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Adding release build instructions


The install phase builds up the project ("package"), and installs any JARs it needs into your local repository (e.g. ~/.m2/repository). Once installed, the JARs can be used by any other Maven project you build.  The install phase is the default phase if none is specified.

To run a basic install, change to the root of the source distribution, and enter


Of course, if you find tests are failing, please submit a patch to fix them!

Creating a release

Maven terms a release build an "assembly". An assembly aggregates the builds of all the modules installed locally on your machine into one or more release files.

To create a release, you must first build and install locally every artifact. From the root struts2 directory, run:

Code Block
titleBuilding all modules

mvn -Pextras,apps install

Next, you need to run the assembly build to create the release files. From the struts2/assembly directory, run:

Code Block
titleBuilding the assembly

mvn assembly:assembly

If the assembly built correctly, you should see the release files in the target/assembly/out directory.


The default mirror for Maven builds ("ibiblio") can be slow and unreliable. Maven lets you specify alternative mirrors so that you don't have to depend on ibiblio for everything.
