Versions Compared


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Builds site, api, and core


Builds the example applications


Builds all plugins


Includes the extras module that cannot be part of the default build due to licensing incompatibilties


Includes the xwork build


Code Block
titleGetting it All
> mvn -Pextras,plugins,xwork

Using both profiles is especially important when using Maven to build your IDE project files (recommended).


Code Block
titleStarting over
> mvn idea:idea -Doverwrite=true -Papps,extras,thirdparty,plugins,xwork

If you only need to rebuild some of the modules, adjust the list of "profiles". 


Code Block
titleGenerating Eclipse
> mvn -Pthirdparty,plugins,xwork eclipse:eclipse
titleFeedback Wanted

Many Struts 2 developers use IDEA, and the Eclipse project files are not as well-tested or featureful as the IDEA versions. But as far as we know, they work!


Code Block
titleOffline Mode
mvn -o -Pextras,plugins,xwork

Skipping test execution


Code Block
titleSkip Tests
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Pextras,plugins,xwork

Of course, if you find tests are failing, please submit a patch to fix them!


Code Block
titleBuilding all modules
mvn -Pextras,apps,plugins install

Next, you need to run the assembly build to create the release files. From the struts2/assembly directory, run:
