Versions Compared


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Code Block
 * This interface represents the meta information of current dynamic table background refresh job.
 * The refresh mode of background job maybe continuous or full. The format of the meta information
 * in the two modes is not consistent, so we unify it by a structured json string jobDetail.
 * <p>In continuous mode, the format of the meta information is { "clusterType": "yarn",
 * "clusterId": "xxx", "jobId": "yyyy" }.
 * <p>In full mode, the meta information format is { "schedulerType": "airflow", "endpoint": "xxx",
 * "workflowId": "yyy" }.
public class RefreshHandler {

    private final CatalogDynamicTable.RefreshMode actualRefreshMode;
    private final State state;
    private final @Nullable String refreshDetail;

    public RefreshJobHandler(
            CatalogDynamicTable.RefreshMode actualRefreshMode,
            JobStateState jobStatestate,
            @Nullable String jobDetail) {
        this.actualRefreshMode = actualRefreshMode;
        this.state = state;
        this.refreshDetail = refreshDetail;

    public CatalogDynamicTable.RefreshMode getActualRefreshMode() {
        return actualRefreshMode;

    public State getState() {
        return jobStatestate;

    public String getRefreshDetail() {
        return refreshDetail;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) {
            return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
            return false;
        RefreshJobHandler that = (RefreshJobHandler) o;
        return actualRefreshMode == that.actualRefreshMode
                && state == that.state
                && Objects.equals(refreshDetail, that.refreshDetail);

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(actualRefreshMode, state, refreshDetail);

    public String toString() {
        return "RefreshJobHandler{"
                + "actualRefreshMode="
                + actualRefreshMode
                + ", state="
                + state
                + ", refreshDetail='"
                + refreshDetail
                + '\''
                + '}';

    /** Background refresh job state. */
    public enum State {


Code Block
public interface CatalogDynamicTable extends CatalogTable {

     * CreatesThe definition anquery instancetext of {@linkdynamic CatalogDynamicTable}table.
 Text is expanded in *
contrast to the original SQL.
 * @param schema unresolved schema
* This is needed because *the @paramcontext commentsuch optionalas comment
current DB is lost after *the @paramsession, partitionKeysin listwhich
 of partition keys or an* emptyview listis ifdefined, notis partitioned
gone. Expanded query text takes *care @paramof options options to configure the connector
     * @param snapshot table snapshot of the table
     * @param definitionQuery definition sql query
     * @param freshness data freshness
     * @param refreshMode data refresh mode
     * @param refreshJobInfo refresh job handler
    static CatalogDynamicTable of(
            Schema schema,
            @Nullable String comment,
            List<String> partitionKeys,
            Map<String, String> options,
            @Nullable Long snapshot,
            String definitionQuery,
            String freshness,
            RefreshMode refreshMode,
            RefreshJobHandler refreshJobHandler) {
        return new DefaultCatalogDynamicTable(

     * The definition query text of dynamic table. Text is expanded in contrast to the original SQL.
     * This is needed because the context such as current DB is lost after the session, in which
     * view is defined, is gone. Expanded query text takes care of this, as this, as an example.
     * <p>For example, for a dynamic table that is defined in the context of "default" database with
     * a query {@code select * from test1}, the expanded query text might become {@code select
     * `test1`.`name`, `test1`.`value` from `default`.`test1`}, where table test1 resides in
     * database "default" and has two columns ("name" and "value").
     * @return the dynamic table definition in expanded text.
    String getDefinitionQuery();

    /** Get the freshness of the dynamic table which is used to determine the data refresh mode. */
    StringDuration getFreshness();

    /** Get the refresh mode of the dynamic table. */
    RefreshMode getRefreshMode();

    /** Get the refresh handler of the dynamic table. */
    RefreshJobHandlerRefreshHandler getRefreshHandler();

    /** The refresh mode of the dynamic table. */
    enum RefreshMode {
