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We introduce the class interface RefreshHandler which records the meta information of the current materialized table background refresh job.

Code Block
 * This interface represents the meta information of current materialized table background refresh
 * pipeline. The refresh mode maybe continuous or full. The format of, the meta information in the
 * two modes is not
 * consistent, so user need to implementation this interface according to .
 * <p>This meta information will be serialized to bytes by {@link RefreshHandlerSerializer}, then
 * store to Catalog for suspend or drop {@link CatalogMaterializedTable}business scenario.
 * <p>In continuous mode, the format of the meta information maybe contains { "clusterType": "yarn",
 * "clusterId":
 * "xxx", "jobId": "yyyy" }.
 * <p>In full mode, the meta information formatmaybe maybecontains { "endpoint": "xxx", "workflowId": "yyy" }.
 * Due to youuser may use different workflow scheduler plugin in this mode, youuser should implement this
 * interface according to yourtheir plugin.
 * <p>This interface RefreshHandler {

    will be serialized to bytes by {@link RefreshHandlerSerializer}, then store to
 * Catalog for further operation.
public interface RefreshHandler {

    /** Returns a string that summarizes this refresh handler meta information for printing to a console or log. */
    String asSummaryString();


Introduce the interface RefreshHandlerSerializer which is used to serialize and deserialize RefreshHandler. The serialized bytes will be persisted to CatalogMaterializedTable for further operation.

Code Block
/** This interface is used to serialize and deserialize the {@link RefreshHandler}. */
public interface RefreshHandlerSerializer<T extends RefreshHandler> {

    /** Serialize the {@link RefreshHandler} to bytes. */
    byte[] serialize(T refreshHandler) throws IOException;

    /** Deserialize the bytes to a {@link RefreshHandler} instance. */
    T deserialize(byte[] serializedBytes, ClassLoader cl)
            throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;

