Versions Compared


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Code Block
public static final ConfigOption<InferMode> TABLE_EXEC_HIVE_INFER_SOURCE_PARALLELISM_MODE =
                     "An option for selecting the hive source parallelism
                     inference mode: 'static' denotes static inference, where 
                     flink will decide source parallelism at job creation stage; 
                     'dynamic' represents dynamic inference, which will decide 
                     parallelism at job execution stage. In terms of functionality, 
                     the static mode is a subset of the dynamic mode;
                     'none' represents disabling inference.
                     Note: at the current stage, it only works when the value of option 
                     'table.exec.hive.infer-source-parallelism.enabled' is 
true, until it                   trueis removed.");

Code Block
public enum InferMode implements DescribedEnum {
        STATIC("static", text("Static parallelism inference mode for hive source.")),
        DYNAMIC("dynamic", text("Dynamic parallelism inference mode for hive source."));
        NONE("none", text("Disable parallelism inference for hive source."));

        private final String value;

        private final InlineElement description;

        InferMode(String value, InlineElement description) {
            this.value = value;
            this.description = description;

        public String toString() {
            return value;

        public InlineElement getDescription() {
            return description;


A new configuration option `table.exec.hive.infer-source-parallelism.mode` will be introduced to distinguish between the static and dynamic modes. After this FLIP, users can still revert to static inference by setting `table.exec.hive.infer-source-parallelism.mode` to InferMode.STATIC, or they can disable parallelism inference altogether by setting `table.exec.hive.infer-source-parallelism.mode` to InferMode.NONE or setting `table.exec.hive.infer-source-parallelism.enabled` to false.

Due to the non-compliance of the configuration `table.exec.hive.infer-source-parallelism` with YAML standard specifications, it will be marked as deprecated.
