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Comment: Added a few missing share coordinator configs


group.coordinator.rebalance.protocols The list of enabled rebalance protocols. (Existing configuration)

"share"  is included in the list of protocols to enable share groups.

This will be added to the default value of this configuration property once this feature is complete. maximum number of delivery attempts for a record delivered to a share group.Default 5, minimum 2, maximum 10
group.share.record.lock.duration.msShare-group record acquisition lock duration in milliseconds.Default 30000 (30 seconds), minimum 1000 (1 second), maximum 60000 (60 seconds) Share-group record acquisition lock minimum duration in milliseconds.Default 15000 (15 seconds), minimum 1000 (1 second), maximum 30000 (30 seconds)
group.share.max.record.lock.duration.msShare-group record acquisition lock maximum duration in milliseconds.Default 60000 (60 seconds), minimum 30000 (30 seconds), maximum 3600000 (1 hour)
group.share.partition.max.record.locksShare-group record lock limit per share-partition.Default 200, minimum 100, maximum 10000 

The timeout to detect client failures when using the group protocol.

Default 45000 (45 seconds) 

The minimum session timeout.

Default 45000 (45 seconds) 

The maximum session timeout.

Default 60000 (60 seconds) 

The heartbeat interval given to the members.

Default 5000 (5 seconds) 

The minimum heartbeat interval.

Default 5000 (5 seconds) 

The maximum heartbeat interval.

Default 15000 (15 seconds)

The maximum number of share groups.

Default 10, minimum 1, maximum 100

The maximum number of consumers that a single share group can accommodate.

Default 200, minimum 10, maximum 1000

The server-side assignors as a list of full class names. The list must contain only a single entry which is used by all groups. In the future, it is envisaged that a group configuration will be provided to allow each group to choose one of the list of assignors.

A list of class names, currently limited to a single entry. Default ""

The number of partitions for the share-group state topic (should not change after deployment).

Default 50

The replication factor for the share-group state topic (set higher to ensure availability). Internal topic creation will fail until the cluster size meets this replication factor requirement.

Default 3 (specified as 1 in the example configuration files delivered in the AK distribution for single-broker use)

The log segment size for the share-group state topic.

Default 104857600

Overridden min.insync.replicas for the share-group state topic.

Default 2 (specified as 1 in the example configuration files delivered in the AK distribution for single-broker use)

Compression codec for the share-group state topic.

Default 0 (NONE) 

The duration in milliseconds that the share coordinator will wait for writes to accumulate before flushing them to disk.

Default 10, minimum 0

Batch size for reading from the share-group state topic when loading state information into the cache (soft-limit, overridden if records are too large).

Default 5 * 1024 * 1024 (5242880), minimum 1

The number of update records the share coordinator writes between snapshot records.

Default 500, minimum 0

The number of threads used by the share coordinator.

Default 1, minimum 1 

The duration in milliseconds that the share coordinator will wait for all replicas of the share-group state topic to receive a write.

Default 5000, minimum 1

Group configuration
