Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0
  • unmigrated-inline-wiki-markup


  • {link: Atlassian Confluence|}


  • {link}
    - Commercial Wiki and knowledge management system using WebWork 2.0,


  • Hibernate,


  • Spring,


  • and


  • Velocity
  • Wiki Markup
    {link:Jive Software|}


  • {link}
    - With over 1100 customers, Jive Software's


  • Forums


  • and


  • Knowledge


  • Base


  • products


  • both


  • use


  • WebWork


  • 2.1


  • +


  • and


  • are


  • some


  • of


  • the


  • largest


  • deployments


  • of


  • WebWork
  • Wiki Markup
    {link: Midwinter|}{link}


  • -


  • an


  • open


  • source


  • rapid


  • web


  • application


  • develop


  • system


  • using


  • WebWork


  • 2.0,


  • Hibernate,


  • Spring,


  • and


  • Velocity
  • Wiki Markup
    {link: Chemist Australia|}{link}


  • -


  • Online


  • Pharmacy
  • Wiki Markup
    {link: BODHTREE|}


  • {link}
    - Enterprise Collabaration Suite uses Struts 2.1.8,


  • Jboss,


  • My


  • SQL.


  • All


  • open


  • source


  • technologies.


  • Wiki Markup
    {link: DriveNow|}


  • {link}
    - last minute Autralian car rentals
  • Wiki Markup
    {link: OpenReports|}{link}


  • -


  • an


  • open


  • source


  • web


  • based


  • reporting


  • application


  • that


  • uses


  • WebWork


  • 2.0,


  • Velocity,


  • and


  • Hibernate




  • is


  • a


  • consulting


  • company


  • that


  • uses


  • it


  • for


  • all


  • their


  • client


  • engagements.


  • Additionally,


  • its


  • used


  • for


  • their


  • internal


  • systems
  • Wiki Markup
    {link: Filmweb|}


  • {link}
    - Polish Film Portal
  • Wiki Markup
    {link: TeraMedica Healthcare Technology|}


  • {link}
    - WebWork is used in TeraMedica's


  • commercial


  • Evercore


  • product,


  • which


  • provides




  • and


  • non-DICOM


  • content


  • management


  • for


  • the


  • healthcare


  • enterprise.


  • EBIA COBRA and 401K Benefits Site provides law reviews for employee benefits like COBRA and 401K. The site moved from all struts to a current architecture of about 50% WebWork and 50% Struts. We are trying to move it all over to WebWork. This site is also a great example of porting from Tiles to SiteMesh.
  • Wiki Markup
    {link: Valtira Rolecall|}


  • {link}
    - Identity Management Framework that provides single sign-on


  • for


  • J2EE


  • and


  • .NET


  • web


  • applications.


  • Wiki Markup
    {link: Orange Blossom Indian River Citrus|}


  • {link}


  • Retail


  • site


  • of


  • shipper


  • of


  • fresh


  • Florida


  • (USA)


  • citrus.





  • -


  • An


  • open-source,


  • web-based


  • database


  • reporting


  • tool.


  • It


  • allows


  • you


  • to


  • create


  • reports


  • without


  • any


  • programming


  • (though


  • you'll


  • need


  • SQL


  • knowledge).


  • It's


  • a


  • lightweight


  • reporting


  • environment,


  • the


  • report


  • can


  • be


  • created


  • to


  • quickly


  • share


  • information


  • via


  • web.



  • -


  • Commercial


  • dating


  • site


  • (BE,


  • dutch)


  • ww2.1.7,


  • hibernate






  • -


  • Java/Open


  • Source


  • Conferences


  • delivered


  • locally.







  • -


  • Bug


  • tracking


  • software


  • that


  • makes


  • heavy


  • use


  • of


  • WW's


  • Ajax


  • Framework.


  • Take


  • a


  • look


  • at


  • the


  • dashboard


  • for


  • great


  • examples


  • of


  • what


  • can


  • be


  • done


  • with


  • WW.


  • JavaBB - phpBB like forum system. Written and used at Javafree brazillian community.
  • CRI - A pharmecutical marketing compliance application.
  • - A logistics, shipping management, tracking, supply-chain management application.
  • Wiki Markup
    {link: Green Array|}


  • {link}
    - Green Array empowers managers at every level, in every organization. Green Array's web-hosted software solution is a simple, fast, scalable way to improve visibility, collaboration and to accelerate team performance. Integrated SWT client and WebWork 2.2 html dashboard with Hibernate persistence.
  • Wiki Markup
    {link: Dress Up Your Wedding|}


  • {link}
    - A directory of local wedding professionals.
  • AppFuse version 2.0 and Equinox - Both allow you to get started with Struts 2.0, Spring and Hibernate quickly and easily.
  • Connecture - Connecture is the leading provider of integrated web-based sales and service automation solutions for the health and benefits insurance industry.
  • storageim - storageim is an open source storage resource management application based on SNIA's SMI-S initiative.
  • - is an open community for writers. Using Struts 2.
  • Lagerverkauf-Finden - German Searchsite for factory outlet stores. Based on a custom developed lucene based nosql database and running on tomcat.
  • HandyBundle-Finden - German site for mobile phone bundles. Based on a custom developed lucene based nosql database and running on tomcat.