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Code Block
* SecurityChecker checks the ownership and access control to objects within
public interface SecurityChecker extends Adapter {

public enum AccessType {

* Checks if the account can access the object.
* @param caller
* account to check against.
* @param entity
* object that the account is trying to access.
* @param accessType
* @param action
* @return true if access allowed. false if this adapter cannot provide permission.
* @throws PermissionDeniedException
* if this adapter is suppose to authenticate ownership and the check failed.
boolean checkAccess(Account caller, ControlledEntity entity, AccessType accessType, String action) throws PermissionDeniedException;



Currently CloudStack provides different response views for Root admin and non-root user, some response fields are only visible to root admin. Basically we have provided two static response views (Full view and Restricted view), domain admin will also a User view. With new IAM service introduced, we should also allow customers to be able to specify what view should be applied to the new IAM group each API when they are creating a new customized IAM group, for example, customer care groupgranting each API action to an IAM policy. To achieve that, we will implement as follows:

  1. We will have a column in IAMGroup db table to record what view to be used for this group. From IAM group creation UI, user can pick which view to be associated with this groupFor those APIs listed in previous Response View (Column Filter) section, when user grants them to a policy, we should allow them to pick one of two static response views (Full view and Restricted view) that are pre-defined. Note that in this release, we are not going to support full-fledged column filter (that is, allowing users to pick arbitrary columns to be see for each API). We are only supporting static view association at the IAM group API level.
  2. We will separate all current both admin and user allowed API commands to two classes: API for admin and API for user. For example, previous ListVMsCmd will be splitted into two classes: ListVMsCmdByAdmin and ListVMsCmd.

    Code Block
    @APICommand(name = "listVirtualMachines", description = "List the virtual machines owned by the account.", responseObject = UserVmResponse.class, responseView = ResponseView.Restricted, 
    entityType = { IAMEntityType.VirtualMachine })
    public class ListVMsCmd extends BaseListTaggedResourcesCmd {
    @APICommand(name = "listVirtualMachines", description = "List the virtual machines owned by the account.", responseObject = UserVmResponse.class, responseView = ResponseView.Full)
    public class ListVMsCmdByAdmin extends ListVMsCmd {
        //////////////// API parameters /////////////////////
        @Parameter(name=ApiConstants.HOST_ID, type=CommandType.UUID, entityType=HostResponse.class,
                description="the host ID")
        private Long hostId;
        @Parameter(name=ApiConstants.POD_ID, type=CommandType.UUID, entityType=PodResponse.class,
                description="the pod ID")
        private Long podId;
        @Parameter(name=ApiConstants.STORAGE_ID, type=CommandType.UUID, entityType=StoragePoolResponse.class,
                description="the storage ID where vm's volumes belong to")
        private Long storageId;

    Note that ListVMsCmdByAdmin and ListVMsCmd are sharing the same API name "listVirtualMachines". From client perspective, this is transparent to them, CloudStack API client will still just invoke previous listVirtualMachine API, and CloudStack API server will internally consult with IAM plugin to determine the group associated with the invoking user and then determine which internal Cmd class to be invoked. There is a new attribute "responseView" introduced for @APICommand annoation, which can be used to instruct CloudStack to generate different response view. By separating the command class into admin cmd class and user cmd class, we can also restrict valid input parameters for different account. For example, in this case, when Admin invokes listVirtualMachine api, he/she can pass hostId, podId and storageId, which parameters are not applicable for end user.
