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Code Block
titleStarting over
> mvn idea:idea -Doverwrite=true -Papps,extras,thirdparty,plugins,xwork

If you only need to rebuild some of the modules, adjust the list of "profiles". 

titleClearing the cache

If you find the xwork module causing you problems, such as displaying as "XWork" when it should be named "xwork", the problem is likely to be within IDEA. Try clearing out your IDEA system cache and then run it again


Code Block
titleOffline Mode
mvn -o -Pextras,plugins,xwork


If you get an OutOfMemoryError while running the tests:

Code Block
titleMemory Settings

// Bash
export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m

// Windows
set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m

Skipping test execution

Although this shouldn't ever happen, sometimes tests do fail and you need to build the framework anyway. If there's a problem, you can pass in the skip tests parameter.
