Versions Compared


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  • Docker + containers
  • gitlab



Discussion: "How evolve framework going forward" 


Do we wrap automatically in v2.0?

  • yes!


Discussion: Value Proposition/



(03-valueproposition-1.jpg and 03-valueproposition-2.jpg)

(nb: Patrick has done a lot of further thinking on this subsequently; see lower down the page)

"Is Apache Isis for you?"

  • fail-fast/disqualify
  • is IT a cost centre, or a profit centre
  • do you own your IT?
  • The minimum information for your business
  • Seasoned developers
    • do your IT guys like jazz? (!)

Who are our customers?

  • those who want to change
  • those who have a vision
  • those who (should have recognised that they) need a feedback loop 

Why do we get veto'ed (by technical guys)?

  • JDO (not Hibernate/JPA)
  • Wicket (not Angular)

Do we care though?

  • NO!  (Dan: though in discussion, I think we decided that we did)
  • Need to create excitement, not reasoning


  • landing page should be for CTOs/IT managers
    • "metrics to impress", eg EUR bns annually paid by NO system in Ireland
  • Stuff for University departments
  • Enlist marketeers

What is our USP?

  • rapid development
  • evolves with your organisation
    • "flows with you"
  • just focus on the domain
    • which will change
  • digitize your knowledge

Killer apps

  • Domain as a service 
    • in the cloud
    • drop "naked" JAR file into Isis, have it "light up"
  • a little like Ionic Creator

Use cases for "Meta-model in a box" (embed Isis within Spring say, Dan: as per chapter in my NO/DDD book)

    • generated reports
    • Javadoc
    • PlantUML/graphviz visualizations
    • selling (XML representation)



JEE vs Spring

Apache Isis' Value Proposition / Marketing
