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1.30 - 1.40 pmWelcome - Overview & IntroductionMarlon Pierce
  • Introduce the team, the Gateway concept, and the audience members.

  • Presentation (URL)

  • Any necessary downloads and installations for second half.

  • Tutorial Notes (URL)

1.40 - 2.15 pm

CIPRES gateway

  • Introduction (12 min)

  • Hands-on Browser interface (12 min)

  • Create Account/Login

  • Sequence Alignment

  • Tree Inference

  •  NeuroScience Gateway (6 min)

  •  Feedback/Questions (5 min)

 Mark Miller/Amit Majumdar
2:15 - 3:00 pmAudience discussion on their current and potential gateway use.Suresh Marru/Marlon Pierce/Mark Miller/Sudhakar Pamidighantam
  • What is expected from Audience - Presentation (URL)

  • Group the audience in to groups of 3 or 4.

  • Present them with the questions.

  • Give them X amount of time to answer.

  • Collect the answers/ask them to write them down.

  • Group the answers and select 3 to answer (as timer permits)

3.00 - 3:30 pmBreak: Install Java and SEAGrid desktop client, create an account in & provide access.  
3:30 - 4:15 pm

SEAGrid Gateway hands on

  • Overview

  • Hands on with web client and desktop client

  • Feedback

 Sudhakar Pamidighantam
4.15 - 4.50 pm

Synthesize Audience Discussions and additional hands-on/demos

Suresh Marru Marru/Marcus Christie

Presentation: (URL)
4.50 - 5.00 pm

Closing remarks: ECSS/EDS support, Contact details

Marlon Pierce Presentation: (URL)
