Versions Compared


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For validation, user can log/ssh on to the VM hypervisor host and execute the following commands on the terminal to verify that additional configuration is available in the state.db for that instance :

  • xe vm-param-get param-name="HVM-boot-policy" uuid=<instance uuid>
  • xe vm-param-get param-name="PV-bootloader" uuid=<instance uuid>
  • xe vm-param-get param-name="PV-args" uuid=<instance uuid>

And verify that they have been correctly set.

  • A configurable global config '' is available for Root admin to specify a list of 'vm-param-set' options that are disallowed with this feature.
    • Default values are; 'name-label, is-a-template, memory-static-max'



Similar to the other hypervisors, user need to ssh into the host and examine the vmx file to see extra configuration is present. Execute the following commands from the terminal.

  • find / -name *.vmx
  • cat <vmx file path> | grep \w ‘extra config’

  • A configurable global config '' is available for Root admin to specify a list options that are disallowed with this feature.
    • Default values are; 'guestOS, displayName, virtualHW.version, migrate.hostLog, nvram'


VirtualMachineTO class is refactored to carry the additional configuration data from the Service Layer to Hypervisor Layer.

Hypervisor/Resource Layer

KVM : LibvirtComputingResource class is refactored to include additional configuration metadata into the VM domain XML before starting it.

  • The extraconfig is retrieved from the VirtualMachineTO in an XML formatted string and is appended onto the VM's domain XML

XenServer: CitrixResourceBase class is refactored as well to include additional metadata in the primary configuration file builder of the VM before starting it.

  • The extraconfig is retrieved from the VirtualMachineTO as a list of 'vm-param-set' commands to be executed by the hyervisor host using the 'xe' CLI (XAPI) against the target VM.
  • The commands are executed sequentially to set the parameters against the target VM.

VMware: VmwareResource is also refactored to include additional configuration into the VMX configuration file builder before starting the VM.

  • All the key/value configuration settings stored under the 'user_vm_details' table are appended to the VM's vmx file by the VMware API and ignoring duplicates.

UI integration