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The DataStream API is one of the two main APIs that Flink provides for writing data processing programs. As an API that was introduced practically since day-1 of the project and has been evolved for nearly a decade, we are observing more and more problems of it. Improvements on these problems require significant breaking changes, which makes in-place refactor impractical. Therefore, we propose to introduce a new set of APIs, the DataStream API V2, to gradually replace the original DataStream API.


  • Re-organize the concepts: 

    • Separate fundamental and high-level concepts: Define the most primitive parts required for the API clearly, and separate different sets of high-level supports like batch-stream unified functions, window... etc.

    • Improve the definitions and primitives.

  • User only depends on pure APIs: Providing a thin and pure APIs layer. Both the user's job and flink-runtime will depends on this API layer. This eliminates the need for user jobs to (indirectly) depend on runtime internals.

  • Eliminate internal-exposing apis / contents.

Scope and Principles


Introducing a new API is a huge topic, so let's first clarify the scope and principles of this proposed API.

  • Only focusing on APIs: The Internal implementations can reused previous work(e.g. transformations and operations)   as as much as possible as a first step, and refactored later in a compatible and user-not-aware way . This can make the discussion more focused on API semantics. Besides,   some some refactoring work may be easier if done after removing DataStream V1 .
  • Incremental additions:   Datastream Datastream API V1 supports a wide range of features. Our plan is to incrementally add supports for these features in V2. Therefore, you may find many features are missing in the early sub-FLIPs. Eventually, it is required for V2 to have at least equivalent functionalities as V1 before deprecating and removing V1, except for functionalities that are determined unwanted. 
  • APIs are initially experimental: By convention, @Experimental APIs should be promoted to @PublicEvolving in 2 minor releases. But as we are developing incrementally, the whole set of API would take multiple release cycles to complete.  Therefore, we proposed not to start counting the promoting period for the early-merged APIs, until the whole API set is completed. APIs are initially experimental: By convention, @Experimental APIs should be promoted to @PublicEvolving in 2 minor releases. But as we are developing incrementally, the whole set of API would take multiple release cycles to complete. Therefore, we proposed not to start counting the promoting period for the early-merged APIs, until the whole API set is completed.

Proposed Changes

Based on whether its functionality must be provided by the framework, we divide the relevant concepts into two categories: fundamental primitives and high-Level extensions.


The reason why we consider it as the fundamental primitives is that users themselves cannot perceive watermarks from different parallelisms, so they cannot align them. Similar requirements must be provided by the framework.

Processing Timer Service

Currently, Flink uses a unified abstraction for both Processing Time and Event Time. This is no longer the case in the new API. The main reasons are as follows:

  • Processing time only makes sense for real-time stream processing, while event time is meaningful for both real-time stream processing and historical batch processing. Even if a unified abstraction is adopted, users still need to understand and carefully deal with the differences between them. Otherwise, It is easy to produce unexpected behavior.
  • The advantage of unified abstraction is that users can easily switch between the two different time semantics without significantly changing the time-based processing logics. However, in reality, we are barely aware of any cases where the same processing logics are reused for both time sementicssemantics.

Therefore, in the new API, we only provide timer service for processing time. Event timer can be achieved by leveraging the watermark handling interfaces. The reason processing timer service is considered part of the fundamental primitives is that, it is required to work based on task's mailbox thread model, in order not to introduce concurrency issues.

High-Level Extensions

High-Level extensions are like short-cuts / sugars, without which users can probably still achieve the same behavior by working with the fundamental APIs, but would be a lot easier with the builtin supports. It includes Built-In Functions, Event Timer Service and Window.


DataStream API V2's Support for Event Time


Event time is an important component of timely stream processing. It is worth discussing with a separate FLIP, especially since the new API no longer consider it as the fundamental semantics. This FLIP will focus on the following aspects:

  • How to Implement event time watermark via generalized watermark mechanism.

  • How to extract and process event time in DataStream API V2.
