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There are many ways today for members of the community to connect with others in the community. These include :

  • Sending an email to (after registering, c.f. Contributor's Guide)
    • Best way to initiate a long tail discussion
  • Asking a question on Slack 
    • Community members including contributors / committers hang out on Slack and should be able to answer your questions
    • Best way to get a quick response
  • Open a JIRA when a bug is found & propose a PR with a Fix
    • Only way to get PRs approved or to report bugs


If so, please let us know on and we will be happy to update the Powered By page. Alternatively, you can also send a PR for updating the Powered By page. 


In order to contribute to Gobblin, please be sure to:



Pull Requests (Code contributions, or documentation) 

  • When filing PRsPull Requests, remember to 
    • Rebase your fork (
    • Squash your commits
    • Create a JIRA for your bug fix/feature enhancement - point the JIRA "External Issue URL" to your PR URL
    • Preface your commit's subject & PR's title with [GOBBLIN-XXX], where XXX is the JIRA number, and add a JIRA link in the PR description
      • Some folks only preface the PR title with [GOBBLIN-XXX], but we also need the commit message subject to contain the JIRA id. This is because we use the subject line in the commit messages when creating the release notes. 
    • Add an Apache License header to all new files
    • & follow the 7 rules of good Git commits
    • Gobblin committers will review your submission, and approve or deny based on quality and relevance