Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Java EE 8 support, for the first time since 11.1, for Maven-based and Gradle-based Web applications. The new Java EE 8 support provides the ability to create Java EE 8 applications and deploy to a Java EE 8 container, with new "webapp-javaee8" Maven archetype created for use with Apache NetBeans.

    Support for JSF 2.3; CDI Changes for JSF Artifact Injection (introduced in 11.3), e.g., f:websocket is now supported:
    Image Removed
    Payara integration out of the box for the first time, including Payara Platform 5.194/5.201 support and Payara Server Hot Deploy support.
  • Support for GlassFish 5.0.1.


  • The two OpenJFX Gluon Maven samples are now registered in the New Project dialog (from 11.2) – JavaFX test spec should be enhanced to try out these two samples and make sure they work.



  • The two OpenJFX Gluon Maven samples are now registered in the New Project dialog (from 11.2) – JavaFX test spec should be enhanced to try out these two samples and make sure they work.

    Impacted NetCAT test spec: JavaFX Create Projects, Enabling Java preview features in a Maven project – new task needed in a Maven-related test spec, after creating new Java Maven project, the following must be added and then check whether one or more preview features (see above) can be used in the Java editor.
    <build> <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.8.0</version> <configuration> <compilerArgs> <arg>--enable-preview</arg> </compilerArgs> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build>
    Related to the above, new hint in Java Editor to turn on Preview Features in Maven-based Java projects:
    Image Removed
    When the above is clicked, i.e., this happens when a preview feature is recognized but the POM hasn't yet been updated to support it, the following is added to the POM:
    Impacted NetCAT test spec: Java Hints, cloned to 12.0:
    Task to be added to test spec: 
    -- Create new FXML JavaFX Maven Archetype (Gluon)
    -- Create new Simple JavaFX Maven Archetype (Gluon)
    To be done.


  • Enabling Java preview features in a Maven project – new task needed in a Maven-related test spec, after creating new Java Maven project, the following must be added and then check whether one or more preview features (see above) can be used in the Java editor.
    Run 12.0 on JDK 12, 13, or 14, make sure to uninstall nb-javac if installed, create a Maven application and add a Java source file. Type String text = """ """, at which point the hint should appear, prompting the POM entry above to be generated.
    Status: Done. Added as test case 3 in the new section 5, "Java Language Preview Features", of the above Java Hint test spec.
    JaCoCo integration with Maven works again, make sure to check that during NetCAT 12.0 by adding a task around this in the Maven test spec.
    Impacted NetCAT test spec: Maven/Java EE Support Test Specification, cloned to 12.0:

    Impacted NetCAT test spec: Maven Support Test Specification,
    Tasks to be added to test spec: Add above to the POM of a Maven application and verify that preview features can be used.
    Status: To be done. New test case to be added to section 11, "Edit pom.xml file".

  • Related to the above, new hint in Java Editor to turn on Preview Features in Maven-based Java projects:

    Image Added

    When the above is clicked, i.e., this happens when a preview feature is recognized but the POM hasn't yet been updated to support it, the following is added to the POM:


    Impacted NetCAT test spec: Java Hints, cloned to 12.0:
    Task to be added to test spec: Run 12.0 on JDK 12, 13, or 14, make sure to uninstall nb-javac if installed, create a Maven application and add a Java source file. Type String text = """ """, at which point the hint should appear, prompting the POM entry above to be generated.
    Status: Done. Added as test case 3 in the new section 5, "Java Language Preview Features", of the above Java Hint test spec.

  • JaCoCo integration with Maven works again, make sure to check that during NetCAT 12.0 by adding a task around this in the Maven test spec.


    Impacted NetCAT test spec: Maven Support Test Specification,
    Task to be added to test spec: Run 12.0, create a Maven application and add a Java source file. Add the above to the POM and then verify that the JaCoCo functionality is available on the Maven project's context menu.
    Status: To be done. New test case to be added to section 11, "Edit pom.xml file".

  • Maven-based NetBeans modules can be created again, this was broken, make sure this works again correctly.

    Impacted NetCAT test spec: Maven Support Test Specification - Maven Platform support,
    Task to be added to test spec: support/
    Tasks to be added to test spec: 
    -- Run 12.0, create a new Maven NetBeans module, add a Window Component, run it. Should result in NetBeans starting up and having a new window.
    -- Run 12.0, create a new Maven application and add a Java source file. Add the above to the POM and then verify that the JaCoCo functionality is available on the Maven project's context menu.

    Status: Done. Added new section 5, "Use JaCoCo Test Coverage", of the above Maven/Java EE Support Test Specification test spec.
    Maven-based NetBeans modules can be created again, this was broken, make sure this works again correctly.
    Impacted NetCAT test spec: Maven/Java EE Support Test Specification, cloned to 12.0:
    Tasks to be added to test spec: 
    -- Run 12.0, create a new Maven NetBeans module, add a Window Component, run it. Should result in NetBeans starting up and having a new window.
    -- Run 12.0, create a new Maven NetBeans application, run it, add a module, add a Window Component, run it. Should result in new NetBeans application starting up and having a new window.

    Status: To be done. Added new section 7, "Create Maven NetBeans Modules ", of the above Maven/Java EE Support Test Specification test spec.
    Default JDK for Maven projects can be set.
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tasks.withType(JavaCompile).each {

  • NetBeans application, run it, add a module, add a Window Component, run it. Should result in new NetBeans application starting up and having a new window.
    Status: Done, both these test cases are already in the Maven Support Test Specification - Maven Platform support test spec.

  • Default JDK for Maven projects can be set.

    Image Added


  • Enabling Java preview features in a Gradle project – new task needed in a new Gradle-related test spec, after creating new Java Gradle project, the following must be added and then check whether one or more preview features (see above) can be used in the Java editor.

    Code Block
    titlebuild.gradle snippet
    tasks.withType(JavaCompile).each {

  • Gradle JavaEE Support


HiDPI and Painting Bugfixes

  • In the editor, fix incorrectly positioned line-width marker (e.g. shown at 82 characters instead of 80 characters), and inaccurate tab alignments. This bug existed at certain editor zoom levels on Windows, Linux, and MacOS, including on non-HiDPI screens.
  • Fix clipped file names in "Projects" pane on Windows on HiDPI screens.

Reference: Complete Listing of Closed PRs for 12.0

serverASF JIRA
jqlQueryproject = NETBEANS AND (status = Resolved OR status = Closed) AND fixVersion = 12.0


