- 30 Digits - Implementation, consulting, support, and value-add components (i.e. spiders, UI, security) for Lucene and Solr. Based in Germany (Deutschland) with customers across Europe and North America. <contact at 30digits.com>
- Benipal Technologies - Bangalore, India based Big Data Analytics and High Volume Proprietary Search Provider offers consulting services in Specialized Search using Lucene / SOLR, AI Machine Learning and MapReduce / NoSQL.
- Ed Kreiman <shabak at gmail.com>
- George Aroush <george at aroush.net> (for Lucene.Net http://incubator.apache.org/lucene.net/)
- Atilika - Lucene consulting, natural language processing (including CJK) and other custom R&D. Based in Tokyo, Japan.
- Basis Technology Corp. Analyzers for various world languages (Please read this paper.)
- Brox IT-Solutions http://www.brox.de/
- CNLP http://www.cnlp.org/tech/lucene.asp
- DBSight http://www.dbsight.net/
- Doculibre Inc. Open source and information management consulting. (Lucene, Nutch, Hadoop, Solr, Lius etc.) <info at doculibre.com>
- eHatcher Solutions <erik at ehatchersolutions.com>
- Flax Based in Cambridge, UK. Experts in all aspects of search development using open source technology (Lucene, Solr, Xapian, Stanford NLP) Contact us
- Scott Ganyo <scott at ganyo.com>
- Greg Gershman <greggersh at yahoo.com> http://gregword.com/about
- Christoph Goller <christoph.goller at intrafind.de>
- Oleg Britvin /IT-Schulungen.com http://www.it-schulungen.com
- William Grosso <wgrosso at wgrosso.com>
- Mark-Rüdiger Militz http://www.it-seminare.de
- Anshum Gupta <anshum at anshumgupta.net> Bangalore, India
- Tom Hill <solr at worldware.com>
- IntraFind Software AG http://www.intrafind.de/
- Innovent Solutions Lucene and Solr Consulting, Training, and Support for enterprise, and eCommerce search and merchandising implementations.
- Lucene Consulting - Lucene,Solr, Nutch, Hadoop consulting and development. Founded by Otis Gospodnetic, Lucene in Action co-author.
- Lucid Imagination: Lucene/Solr support (including SLAs), training, value-add software and services. The team includes Erik Hatcher, Grant Ingersoll, Mark Miller, Sami Siren and Yonik Seeley.
- Mark Miller markrmiller@gmail.com
- Moongate Technologies http://www.moongatetechnologies.com/
- Mufaddal Khumri <mufaddalkhumri at gmail.com>
- Octacom (Sweden) http://octacom.se/
- OpenSource Connections Lucene and Solr expertise and search analytics; Co-authors of Solr 3.2 Enterprise Search Server and Solr 1.4 Enterprise Search Server; Department of Defense clearances; (703) 951-3175
- Project Computing Pty Ltd, Australia http://www.projectcomputing.com
- Sagire Software Oy - Enterprise Search solutions and consultancy for Solr/Lucene , located in Finland
- Search Technologies, an international consulting firm focused on search engine implementation, with offices in Virginia, San Diego, Cincinnati, Boston, the UK, and Costa Rica. Contact
- Sematext (Otis Gospodnetic, Lucene in Action and Solr in Action co-author) - Solr, Lucene, Nutch, Hadoop, HBase, EC2. Lucene/Solr tech support, development and consulting services, and search products. Presence in North America and Europe.
- Shailendra Sharma, CTO, Ver se' Innovation Private Limited (http://www.verse.co.in). Contactable at shailendra.sharma@gmail.com or shailendra.sharma@verse.in
- Sourcesense: Lucene, Solr, Hibernate Search: scalable enterprise solutions, consulting, training and kickstarts in UK, Italy, Netherlands. European partners of Lucid Imagination. info@sourcesense.com
- Superlink Software, Inc. http://www.superlinksoftware.com/
- TNR Global, LLC: Lucene, Solr, migrations, intergration, systems design & architecture. Custom enterprise search development and consultations.
- Tokenizer Inc., CANADA: Lucene SOLR Commercial Support (including SLAs & development support & custom builds), Hadoop, MapReduce, Nutch, BIXO, Cascading, Amazon EC2, LingPipe, GATE, HBase, LILY, Mahout, Weka, Liferay Portal, Oracle/WebLogic, and more. Cell: +1 (416) 993 2060, Fuad Efendi, contributor
- Kelvin Tan <kelvint at apache.org> http://www.supermind.org
- Triona - Information und Technologie GmbH http://www.triona.de/
- Telesto Infotech http://www.telesto.co.in/
- Karl Wettin karl.wettin@gmail.com (Sweden)
- Wyona http://www.wyona.com
- Quo Vide BV, the Netherlands http://www.quovide.com/
- Jonathan Simon <jonathan dot simon at yahoo dot com>
- Hannes Carl Meyer, Meyer Information Management, Germany, <mail at hcmeyer.com>
- RONDHUIT Co.,Ltd. Various tech support in Lucene/Solr with CJK handling, including Japanese morphological analysis. (English|Japanese)
- Open Source Analysts Group (OSAGi) http://www.osagi.com
- Samir Abdou, Switzerland http://www.samir-abdou.net <abdou.samir at gmail.com>
- Michael Prichard <michael.prichard at willowtreeconsulting.com>
- Patrick Kimber, UK <patrick.kimber at gmail.com>
- Thomas Arni, Switzerland <thomas.arni at gmail.com>
- 101tec Inc. Califonia, Germany: Consulting, Training and development. Hadoop, Lucene, Katta, Nutch since 2003.
- Antony Bowesman <adb at thorntothehorn dot org> Australia
- Ian Lea, UK ian.lea@gmail.com
- Santhosh Kumar, Hyderabad India santhoshvarala2007@gmail.com
- BeyondTrees, The Netherlands; Search integration architecture, and performance optimizations
- Jason Rutherglen (Bay Area, CA) - Realtime search optimization, Katta, Solr, Hadoop support jason.rutherglen@gmail.com
- SearchWorkings <sales at searchworkings.com> - HQ in Amsterdam (NL) & Berlin (GER), customers across Europe and Australasia. Dedicated to providing Apache Lucene and Solr expertise. Training, consultancy, development and support. Team includes Simon Willnauer, Martijn van Gronigen & Chris Male.
- SD DataSolutions GmbH, Uwe Schindler (Bremen, Germany) - Lucene Java support (numeric search, geo search, new TokenStream API,...), <uschindler at sd-datasolutions.de>
- Simon Willnauer Berlin, Germany: Consulting, Training and development. Hadoop, Lucene, Solr. <simon.willnauer at gmail.com>
- Dilisim - Provides search support for Turkish Language - Specializes in e-commerce and Near Realtime Search http://www.dilisim.com
- Jagadeshwar Reddy - Lucene consulting and development. Develeoped solr implementations, on amazon cloud for thousands of hits with millions of items. Please email nomulaj@gmail.com for a reasonable quote.
For more support options, see also Jakarta vendors list.