Priority | Item | Feature/Enhancement | Testing way | Volunteer(s) | Status | Comment |
1 | Accessibility support (iAccessibiltiy2 support to improve the usability) | New Feature | Test with ACC checklist based on BVT scenarios Create and execute test cases in Teslink, | Liu Ping Tan | Done | |
Patch Mechanism in Windows | New Feature |
| |
AOO Security Features without Mozilla |
| ||
Icon update | Enhancement | https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO4.1+-+Desktop+Icons |
| |
1 | In-place editing of Input Fields | Enhancement | I am working on a solution for issue 33737 [1] and I am making good progress. | Liu Ping Tan | ||
Integrating OOXML enhancement from the OSBA patch | New Feature |
| ||
1 | use case 4 - comments/annotations on text ranges | Yu Zhen Fan | In Progress | |||
genLang / New translation workflow |
| No test from QA |
| |
build.pl / central Makefile instead of build.pl |
| No test from QA |
| |
Mac / 64bit OSX Support |
| Volunteers |
| ||
new MacOS Mavericks OS Support |
| Repeat basic functional test |
| Done |
| |
1 | Existing functions in 3 Apps (FVT) | Legacy Feature | Execute test cases in Teslink, | In Progress | ||
Create test documents in OOXML format | Enhancement | Create test cases in Testlink Upload test documents to svn | Yu Zhen Fan Liu Ping Tan Jing Long Wu | In Progress | ||
Presentation template validation | Legacy Feature | 1. Import a template to AOO to see if it displays well without any mess 2. Create a new presentation with this template in AOO to see if it works 3. Apply this template to an existing presentation in AOO to see if it work (pay particular attention to the Styles and check how they are applied in the templates, particularly with paragraph, bullets, numbering etc.) | Yu Zhen Fan | In Progress | ||
Develop manual test cases for Base | Enhancement | Create test cases in Testlink | Yu Zhen Fan and Volunteers | In Progress | ||
Get more people who have interest to be familiar with the test automation | N/A | Document test guidance | Liu Ping Tan and Volunteers | In Progress |