Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Login into JIRA Page for Apache Ranger
  2. Review all unassigned JIRA(s)  that are of your interest and pick a JIRA to work on.
  3. Send a note to dev community  via   via to have a PMC member assign the JIRA to you.
  4. Once the JIRA is assigned to you, you can work on the Apache Ranger source on your local repo - to resolve the JIRA.

  5. Configure your git to use your username and email address. So when the patch is created, it will have your information and the code will have your credit.
  6. After the JIRA is resolved, you can commit the changes to your local repo with commit comment with Apache JIRA number as follows: 

    Code Block
    $ git add <modified|add|deleted-files>
    $ git commit -m "RANGER-<JIRANUMBER>: <description of the JIRA fix>"
  7. After you committed your change into your local repo, you should be able to create a patch using the following command: 
    Code Block
    $ git format-patch -n HEAD~

    This command should create a git patch file under the current directory. Attach the patch file to the Apache JIRA and provide your comment about the solution. An Apache Ranger committer should be able to review your patch and provide feedback or commit to Apache Ranger.


    If you have issues applying the patch correctly, please do the following:

    git config diff.noprefix false

    For additional information, please refer to discussions in RANGER-1739


  8. You should upload the patch in Steps are:

    1. Create an account in review board

    2. Click on "New Review Request"

    3. Search for "ranger" in the repository at the left

    4. Upload your patch file

    5. Give name and description. Add Apache JIRA # in review request title/name

    6. On the right side, give the JIRA number, select  group "ranger" 
    7. And publish the request.
    8. Attach the patch to Apache JIRA
    9. Provide the link to the review request in Apache JIRA
    10. Mark the fix version appropriately (if you know)
    11. If the patch is accepted, then one of the committer committers will commit your code.
    12. Update the JIRA with commit link once the patch is reviewed and committed
    13. Mark the review request as closed once the patch is committed
  9. For pulling latest source changes from Apache Ranger, you can execute the following command to get latest code changes from remote apache Apache repo to your local repo:

    Code Block
    $ git pull
  10. FOR COMMITTERS: Those committing contributed code, please follow the below process after approving processafterapproving the code

    Code Block
    #Test whether the patch can be applied without errors
    git apply --check RANGER-xyz.patch
    #Apply the patch
    git am --signoff RANGER-xyz.patch
    #Push the changes
    git push
