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Releasing Apache Directory Projects can be involved. This release guide will walk you through the process first by preparing your maven and gpg configuration then by leading you through the release of various subprojects at Directory.

There may be a few things you'll need to setup before you can release. This release guide is geared to work off of a UNIX based system that has gpg installed. If you're using Windows then I feel for you (smile) .

We use Maven version 3.0.2+ and JDK 1.6.0 to build all Directory subrojects even if they run on JDK 1.5.

Maven Settings

You'll need a settings section for the Nexus and servers with a password or a path to the SSH key used. Here's what my settings.xml file in ~/.m2 looks like:

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    <!-- To publish a snapshot of some part of Maven -->

    <!-- To publish a website using Maven -->

    <!-- To stage a release of some part of Maven -->




Just replace your username, passwords and paths. Note that the username and password is your Apache LDAP account.

GPG Passphrase
GPG Passphrase

You'll need to provide the passphrase in the settings.xml to access the gpg secret key installed on your host. This is due to a bug with the passphrase prompt in the maven-gpg-plugin. So unfortunately we must provide the passphrase in the settings.xml file in clear text. This should change in the future when this bug is fixed. Note that this passphrase is put into the release profile which we activate to properly sign and release the artifacts and poms via the release plugin.


All subprojects are configured to deploy signatures for the artifacts uploaded to the repository. The gpg plugin will check use the default gpg key for the user deploying the project with the release:perform directive of the release plugin. This will prompt you for the passphrase for the default key. If you do not have one setup the build will fail.

You can generate and upload a PGP key to a PGP keyserver using the following commands:

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gpg --gen-key
gpg --fingerprint
gpg --keyserver --send-keys <your key's id from last command>

Make sure to have created the .pgpkey in your p.a.o/~ directory and to have added your public key to the KEYS file.
See also

Releasing Directory Projects and Making Release Announcements

Releasing Skins

Releasing Skins

Releasing Checkstyle Configuration

Releasing Checkstyle Configuration

Releasing JUnit Addons

Releasing JUnit Addons

Releasing Apache Directory LDAP API

Releasing Apache Directory LDAP API

Releasing ApacheDS

Releasing ApacheDS

Releasing ApacheDS Manuals

Releasing ApacheDS Manuals

Releasing Studio

Releasing Studio

Releasing Studio Maven Plugin

Releasing Studio Maven Plugin

Releases Announcements

Release Announcements

Create a tar.gz with resource fork (Mac OS X only)

When creating a tar.gz which is used to upload generated documentation on the Apache CMS (guide here), if you're running on Mac OS X you will need to remove the resource fork (a special construct of the Mac OS operating system used to store structured data in a file).
This can be done by exporting two properties before creating the tar.gz file via the command line.
Here are those two exports:

No Format

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