Using the JSON plugin to generate the values (one of the possible ways)
The action
Code Block |
| Java |
| Java |
title | AutocompleterExample.javaJava |
public class AutocompleterExample extends ActionSupport {
public Map<String, String> getOptions() {
Map<String,String> options = new HashMap<String,String>();
options.put("Florida", "FL");
options.put("Alabama", "AL");
return options;
The mapping:
Code Block |
<package name="autocompleter" namespace="/autocompleter" extends="json-default">
<action name="getStates" class="AutocompleterExample">
<result type="json">
<param name="root">options</param></result>
The JSP (fragment):
Code Block |
<s:url id="optionsUrl" namespace="/autocompleter" action="getStates" />
<sx:autocompleter href="%{#optionsUrl}" />
When a form containing an autocompleter is submitted, two values will be submitted for each autocompleter, one for the selected value, and one for its associated key.
The action:
Code Block |
| java |
| java |
title | MyAction.javajava |
public MyAction extends ActionSupport {
private String optionsKey;
private String options;
Set initial key and value
Code Block |
<s:url id="optionsUrl" namespace="/autocompleter" action="getStates" />
<sx:autocompleter href="%{#optionsUrl}" value="Florida" keyValue="FL"/>
Change default key name
The action:
Code Block |
| java |
| java |
title | MyAction.javajava |
public MyAction extends ActionSupport {
private String superKey;
private String options;
The following JSON will be accepted:
Code Block |
| javascript |
| javascript |
title | Map(recommended as it is the easiest one to generate)javascript |
"Alabama" : "AL",
"Alaska" : "AK"
Code Block |
| javascript |
| javascript |
title | Array of arraysjavascript |
["Alabama", "AL"],
["Alaska", "AK"]
Code Block |
| javascript |
| javascript |
title | Array inside object, same name as fieldjavascript |
"state" : [
Code Block |
| javascript |
| javascript |
title | Map inside object, same name as fieldjavascript |
"state" : {
"Alabama" : "Alabama",
"Alaska" : "AK"
Code Block |
| javascript |
| javascript |
title | Array inside object, field in response starts with the name of the autocompleter("state" in this example)javascript |
"states" : [
Code Block |
| javascript |
| javascript |
title | No name match, use first array found, and hope for the bestjavascript |
"Australopithecus" : [