Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


No Format
IF ( $source.__time + 24h <= $target.__time ) $source.json().seeds.json().url = $target.json().groups[0].attrsList['name' = 'URL'].values[0] AND $source.json().seeds.json().metadata.json().tracker.crawlRequestCreateTS = $target.json().groups[0].attrsList['name' = 'CRAWLMETADATA'].values[0].json().tracker.crawlRequestCreateTS


Syntax BNF

No Format
<rule> ::= <logical-statement> [WHEN <logical-statement>]
// rule: mapping-rule [WHEN when-rule]
//		- mapping-rule: the first level opr should better not be OR | NOT, otherwise it can't automatically find the groupby column
//		- when-rule: only contain the general info of data source, not the special info of each data row

<logical-statement> ::= [NOT] <logical-expression> [(AND | OR) <logical-expression>]+ | "(" <logical-statement> ")"
// logical-statement: return boolean value
// logical-operator: "AND" | "&&", "OR" | "||", "NOT" | "!"

<logical-expression> ::= <math-expr> (<compare-opr> <math-expr> | <range-opr> <range-expr>)
// logical-expression example: $ = $, $source.page_id IN ('3214', '4312', '60821')

<compare-opr> ::= "=" | "!=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">="
<range-opr> ::= ["NOT"] "IN" | "BETWEEN"
<range-expr> ::= "(" [<math-expr>] [, <math-expr>]+ ")"
// range-expr example: ('3214', '4312', '60821'), (10, 15), ()

<math-expr> ::= [<unary-opr>] <math-factor> [<binary-opr> <math-factor>]+
// math-expr example: $source.price * $target.count, "hello" + " " + "world" + 123

<binary-opr> ::= "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%"
<unary-opr> ::= "+" | "-"

<math-factor> ::= <literal> | <selection> | "(" <math-expr> ")"

<selection> ::= <selection-head> [ <field-sel> | <function-operation> | <index-field-range-sel> | <filter-sel> ]+
// selection example: $source.price, $source.json(), $source['state'], $source.numList[3], $target.json().mails['org' = 'apache'].names[*]

<selection-head> ::= $source | $target

<field-sel> ::= "." <field-string>

<function-operation> ::= "." <function-name> "(" <arg> [, <arg>]+ ")"
<function-name> ::= <name-string>
<arg> ::= <math-expr>

<index-field-range-sel> ::= "[" <index-field-range> [, <index-field-range>]+ "]"
<index-field-range> ::= <index-field> | (<index-field>, <index-field>) | "*"
// index-field-range: 2 means the 3rd item, (0, 3) means first 4 items, * means all items, 'age' means item 'age'
<index-field> ::= <index> | <field-quote> | <all-selection>
// index: 0 ~ n means position from start, -1 ~ -n means position from end
<field-quote> ::= ' <field-string> ' | " <field-string> "

<filter-sel> ::= "[" <field-quote> <filter-compare-opr> <math-expr> "]"
<filter-compare-opr> ::= "=" | "!=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">="
// filter-sel example: ['name' = 'URL'], $['age' > $source.graduate_age + 5 ]

// When <math-expr> in the selection, it mustn't contain the different <selection-head>, for example:
// $source.tags[1+2]             valid
// $source.tags[$source.first]   valid
// $source.tags[$target.first]   invalid
// -- Such job is for validation, not for parser

<literal> ::= <literal-string> | <literal-number> | <literal-time> | <literal-boolean>
<literal-string> ::= <any-string>
<literal-number> ::= <integer> | <double>
<literal-time> ::= <integer> ("d"|"h"|"m"|"s"|"ms")
<literal-boolean> ::= true | false


Syntax description

a Basic elements
