Tools & Services

SPM for Cassandra

SPM for Cassandra performance monitoring, alerting, and anomaly detection monitors all Cassandra metrics, as well as a number of OS and JVM metrics. It supports custom dashboards, custom metrics, subscription emails, chart embedding, filtering by server, node, etc. In addition to monitoring Cassandra, SPM can monitor Solr, Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Storm, ZooKeeper, !Elasticsearch, Java webapps and generic Java applications, and a number of other types of applications, as well as custom metrics.

Satellite Volta

Satellite Volta is a R&D project whose aim is to create and share a set of tools and libraries to support open source activities in the field of Big Data. First releases consist of free tools and libraries meeting the needs of the community, in order to simplify the installation, configuration, monitoring and development of the applications based on Cassandra. Satellite Volta firmly believes in innovation: enterprises and developers can join the community contributing to Open Source projects, or simply sending suggestions and comments. Up to now, this is the list of published tools and libraries:

  • Volta Control: Volta Control is a tool that allows you to design, implement and manage Cassandra database through a graphical interface. You will be able to display the list of keyspace and related tables in a node and carry out reading / writing / deleting operations using CQL code.
  • Volta Monitor: Volta Monitor is a health status monitoring tool: by connecting to a node, you can see the topology of the cluster and check the status, data loading and statistics on each individual node.
  • Volta Log: Volta Log is a java library that enables you to manage the logs of your application, saving them in Cassandra within a designated structure instead of a file. As a result, it ensures faster access to logs and a more efficient management of them.
  • Volta Criteria: Volta Criteria is a java library designed for those who want to integrate Cassandra database within their java application, providing intuitive methods for statement construction: you won’t have to write code (and therefore know the syntax ) CQL when carrying out CQL queries and statements.
  • Volta Start: Volta Start is an Apache Cassandra installation package for Linux distributions, which includes an installation wizard for Cassandra and all the Volta Project tools. The installation wizard enables you to setup and configure a node of an Apache Cassandra cluster in a few simple steps. The Volta Project tools include Volta Monitor and Volta Control that allow you to design, implement and monitor an Apache Cassandra cluster and its keyspaces and tables.
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