Updating a Release System with ELF Programs – With Symbol Tables

You can easily extend the firmware in your released, embedded system using ELF program provide via a file system. For example, an SD card or, perhaps, downloaded into on-board SPI FLASH. In order to support such post-release update, your released firmware would have to support execution of ELF programs loaded into RAM (see, for example, apps/examples/elf) and symbol tables also provided provide via the file system.

The files shown in this Wiki page can be downloaded here

Creating a Symbol Table

There are several ways to create an application symbol table. Only two are compatible with the example provided here: First, you can build a symbol table into the base firmware with a symbol table added to your board-specific bring-up logic(Normally this technique would only be used in the KERNEL build mode when CONFIG_USER_INITPATH=y. In that case, the system start up is not performed by a C call to a main function like nsh_main(). Rather, the system starts up with an init ELF program (much the way that Linux does). CONFIG_EXECFUNCS_SYMTAB_ARRAY then solves that problem by initializing the system to provide the basic symbols needed by the init program and nothing more. The init program would probably call boardctl() to put the final symbol table in place. We do things this way here just for simplicity.). To use this method, you would need to (a) enable support for this feature via CONFIG_EXECFUNCS_HAVE_SYMTAB=y and (b) provide a symbol table with the global name CONFIG_EXECFUNCS_SYMTAB_ARRAY with the variable name CONFIG_EXECFUNCS_NSYMBOLS_VAR that holds the number of symbol entries. The symbol table name defaults to g_symtab.

The second way is from your application using the boardctl() system interface. The specific boardctl() command that would be used is BOARDIOC_APP_SYMTAB. That command provides the symbol table in the same exactly the same way but is under the control of the application rather than the board-specific bring-up logic. This option requires CONFIG_LIB_BOARDCTL=y and CONFIG_BOARDCTL_APP_SYMTAB=y, and application logic to provide the symbol table(NSH can do that if CONFIG_EXAMPLES_NSH_SYMTAB=y).

In this example, we will assume the former. Let's illustrate this using an STM32F4-Discovery configuration. We will assume that you have modified the boards/arm/stm32/stm32fdiscovery/src/stm32_bringup.c file, adding the following:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <nuttx/binfmt/symtab.h>

const struct symtab_s g_symtab[] =
  {"printf", (FAR void *)printf}

int g_nsymbols = 1;

That is a simple symbol table containing only the symbol string "printf" whose value is the address of the function printf().

There is, of course, a lot more that could be said about generating symbol tables. There are specialized tools in the NuttX tools/ directory and instructions elsewhere for generating more extensive symbol tables. But let's not get too distracted from the subject at hand.

Creating the Export Package

At the time that you release the firmware, you should create and save an export package. The export packet is all that you need to create post-release, add-on modules for your embedded system. Let's use the STM32F4-Discovery network NSH configuration which assumes that you have the STM32F4DIS-BB baseboard (This demonstration assumes that you also have support for some externally modifiable media in the board configuration. The could be removable media such as SD card or a USB FLASH stick, an internal file system that is remotely accessible via USB MSC, FTP, or whatever, or a remote file system (NFS). The networking NSH configuration uses the SD card on the STM32 baseboard for this demonstration. Other NSH configurations could be used provided that you supply the necessary file system support in some fashion.)(No baseboard? You can add support file system support to the basic STM32F4-Discovery board following these instructions: USB FLASH drive or SD card).

  $ make distclean
  $ tools/configure.sh -c stm32f4discovery:netnsh

The -c indicates that you are using a Windows Cygwin-based development environment. -l would indicate Linux. See tools/configure.sh -h for other options.

Your released firmware must be built with a few important configuration settings. You can configure the system using:

  $ make menuconfig

These are the required additional settings:

  • Disable networking (Only because it is not needed in this example)
  # CONFIG_NET is not set
  • Enable ELF binary support with a fixed symbol table
  • Enable PATH variable support
  • Enable execution of ELF files from the NSH command line

Then we can build the NuttX firmware imagine and the export package.

  $ make
  $ make export

When make export completes, you file find a ZIP'ed package in the top-level NuttX directory called nuttx-export-x.y.zip (for version x.y. The version is determined by the .version file in the same directory). The content of this ZIP file is the following directory structure:

   |- arch/
   |- build/
   |- include/
   |- libs/
   |- startup/
   |- System.map
   `- .config

The Add-On Build Directory

In order to create the add-on ELF program, you will need (1) the export package, (2) the program build Makefile, and (3) a linker script used by the Makefile. That Makefile is discussed in a following paragraph(NOTE that these example files implicitly assume a GNU tool chain. A non-GNU tool chain would probably require a significantly different Makefile and linker script).

Hello Example

To keep things manageable, let's use a concrete example Suppose the ELF program that we wish to add to the release code is the since source file hello.c:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  printf("Hello from Add-On Program!\n");
  return 0;

Let's say that we have a a directory called addon and contains the hello.c source file, a Makefile that will create the the ELF program, and a linker script called gnu-elf.ld needed by the Makefile.

Building the ELF Program =

The first step in creating the ELF program is the unzip the Export Package. We start with out addon directory containing the following:

  $ cd addon
  $ ls
  gnu-elf.ld hello.c  Makefile nuttx-export-7.25.zip


  • gnu-elf.ld is the linker script,
  • hello.c is our example source file,
  • Makefile will build out ELF program,
  • nuttx-export-7.25.zip is the Export Package from NuttX 7.25.

We unzip the Export Package like:

  $ unzip nuttx-export-7.25.zip

Then we have a new directory called nuttx-export-7.25 that contains all of the content from the released NuttX code that we need to build the ELF program.

The Makefile

The ELF program is e created simply as:

  $ make

This uses the following Makefile to generate several files:

  • hello.o - The compiled hello.c object.
  • hello - The linked ELF program

Only the resulting hello file are needed.

This is the Makefile that I used to create ELF program:

 include nuttx-export-7.25/build/Make.defs

# Long calls are need to call from RAM into FLASH

ARCHCFLAGS += -mlong-calls
ARCHWARNINGS = -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wshadow -Wundef
ARCHOPTIMIZATION = -Os -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-strength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer
ARCHINCLUDES = -I. -isystem  nuttx-export-7.25/include


CROSSDEV = arm-none-eabi-
STRIP = $(CROSSDEV)strip --strip-unneeded

# Setup up linker command line options

LDELFFLAGS = -r -e main
LDELFFLAGS += -T gnu-elf.ld

# This might change in a different environment

OBJEXT ?= .o

# This is the generated ELF program

BIN = hello

# These are the sources files that we use

SRCS = hello.c

# Build targets

all: $(BIN)
.PHONY: clean

$(OBJS): %$(OBJEXT): %.c
  $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

$(BIN): $(OBJS)
  $(LD) $(LDELFFLAGS) -o $@ $^
  $(STRIP) $(BIN)

  rm -f $(BIN)
  rm -f *.o

The Linker Script

The linker script that I am using in this example, gnu-elf.ld, contains the following:

  .text 0x00000000 :
      _stext = . ;
      _etext = . ;

  .rodata :
      _srodata = . ;
      _erodata = . ;

  .data :
      _sdata = . ;
      _edata = . ;

  .bss :
      _sbss = . ;
      _ebss = . ;

    /* Stabs debugging sections.    */

    .stab 0 : { *(.stab) }
    .stabstr 0 : { *(.stabstr) }
    .stab.excl 0 : { *(.stab.excl) }
    .stab.exclstr 0 : { *(.stab.exclstr) }
    .stab.index 0 : { *(.stab.index) }
    .stab.indexstr 0 : { *(.stab.indexstr) }
    .comment 0 : { *(.comment) }
    .debug_abbrev 0 : { *(.debug_abbrev) }
    .debug_info 0 : { *(.debug_info) }
    .debug_line 0 : { *(.debug_line) }
    .debug_pubnames 0 : { *(.debug_pubnames) }
    .debug_aranges 0 : { *(.debug_aranges) }

Replacing an NSH Built-In Function

Files can be executed by NSH from the command line by simply typing the name of the ELF program. This requires (1) that the feature be enabled with CONFIG_NSH_FILE_APP=y and (2) that support for the PATH variable is enabled with CONFIG_BINFMT_EXEPATH=y and CONFIG_PATH_INITIAL set to the mount point of the file system that may contain ELF programs.

In this example, there is no application in the base firmware called hello. So attempts to run hello will fail:

  nsh> hello
  nsh: hello: command not found

But if we mount the SD card containing the hello image that we created above, then we can successfully execute the hello command:

  nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mmcsd0 /bin
  nsh> ls /bin
   System Volume Information/
  nsh> hello
  Hello from Add-On Program!

Here we showed how you can add a new command to NSH to a product without modifying the base firmware. We can also replace or update an existing built-in application in this way:

In the above configuration, NSH will first attempt to run the program called hello from the file system. This will fail because we have not yet put our custom hello ELF program in the file system. So instead, NSH will fallback and execute the built-in application called hello. In this way, any command known to NSH can be replaced from an ELF program installed in a mounted the file system directory that can be found via the PATH variable.

After we do add our custom hello to the file system, when NSH attempts to run the program call hello from the file system it will run successfully. The built-in version will be ignored. It has been replaced with the version in the file system.

Tightly Coupled Memories

Most MCUs based on ARMv7-M family processors support some kind of Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM). These TCMs have somewhat different properties for specialized operations. Depending on the bus matrix of the processor, you may not be able to execute programs from the TCM. For instance, the STM32 F4 supports Core Coupled Memory (CCM), but since it is tied directly to the D-bus, cannot be used to execute programs!  On the other hand, the STM32F3 has a CCM that is accessible to both the D-Bus and the I-Bus, in which case it should be possible to execute programs from this TCM.

When ELF programs are loaded into memory, the memory is allocated from the heap via a standard memory allocator. By default with the STM32 F4, the CCM in included in HEAP and will typically be allocated first. If CCM memory is allocate to hold the ELF program in memory, then a hard-fault will occur immediately when you try to execute the ELF program in memory.

Therefore, it is necessary on STM32 F4 platforms to include the following configuration setting:


With that setting, the CCM memory will be excluded from the heap and so will never be allocated for ELF program memory.

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