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Page: Alternate Descriptors
As of OpenEJB 3.1.1, you have the ability to specify an alternate set of deployment descriptors to use for a given environment. This is focused mostly on testing where it is often desirable to use a slightly different configuration for a set of tests or e
Page: Annotations, XML and Defaults
The following is a list of all annotations and their attributes, the xml tags that correspond to them (for overriding), and what the default values are when left unspecified. Annotation xml element(s) default value @Stateless <session> <ejb-class> <sessio
Page: Apache TomEE
Apache TomEE, pronounced "Tommy", is an all-Apache Java EE 6 Web Profile certified stack where Tomcat is top dog. Apache TomEE is assembled from a vanilla Apache Tomcat zip file. We start with Tomcat, add our jars and zip up the rest. The result is Tomcat
Page: Apache TomEELinks
JavaOne, October, 2011 ApacheCon, November, 2011 JAX London, November, 2011 OSCON Java, July, 2011
Page: App Clients and JNDI
There are some slight differences between the way OpenEJB does app clients and the way Geronimo does app clients Neither uses the names created via the openejb.jndiname.format. So changing that will (should) have no affect. The idea is that users should
Page: Application discovery via the classpath
This document details the various ways to get OpenEJB to pickup applications you'd like deployed while in an embedded mode. Empty ejb-jar.xml approach (recommended) Simplify the issue of searching for annotated applications by adding an ejb-jar.xml like t


Page: Basics - Getting Things
Getting Stuff from the Container Generally speaking the only way to get a Container-Managed Resource is via dependency injection or lookup from within a Container-Managed Component. The unbreakable rules. Read these over and over again when things don't w
Page: Basics - Security
This section is under construction, please check back later. Related Documents Security - login module configuration Security Annotations - EJB3 related annotation based security. Server Side Security There's a few things that should be noted about securi
Page: Basics - Transactions
One of the many benefits of EJB, is that transactions within the EJB container are generally managed entirely automatically. Any EJB component will, by default, partake in that transaction. Here are some basic rules to understand about transactions. Keep
Page: Built-in Type Converters
The following built-in types are supported for @Resource injection in EJBs via <env-entry> elements in a META-INF/ejb-jar.xml or via plain properties in a META-INF/ file. EJB 3.0 required types: java.lang.Boolean java.lang.Byte java.


Page: Callbacks
Correct usage of PostConstruct, PreDestroy, PrePassivate, PostActivate, and AroundInvoke for EJBs and Interceptors. For Stateful, Stateless, and MessageDriven, the syntax is as follows: @PostConstruct <any-scope> void <method-name>() @PreDestroy <any-scop
Page: Client-Server Transports
Client/Server transports jar transport description openejb-ejbd-3.0.jar provides the 'ejbd' protocol. A binary protocol traveling over a socket openejb-http-3.0.jar supports the ejbd protocol over http openejb-derbynet-3.0.jar allows for derby to accessed
Page: Clients
Local Client (embedded container) Properties p = new Properties(); p.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "org.apache.openejb.client.LocalInitialContextFactory"); InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(p); MyBean myBean = (MyBean) ctx.lookup("MyBeanRemote"
Page: Collapsed EAR on Linux
Instructions on Collapsed EAR can be found at Collapsed EAR Commands Only A lot of times docs get chatty. Sometimes there is nothing better than standing over someone's shoulder and watching how to setup something. So, here we go. This doc sets up the Mo
Page: Common DataSource Configurations
Common Vendors HSQLDB The drivers are included with OpenEJB 3.0 and HSQLDB is the default database. <Resource id="HSQLDB Database" type="DataSource"> JdbcDriver org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver JdbcUrl jdbc:hsqldb:file:hsqldb UserName sa Password </Resource> Derby (
Page: Common PersistenceProvider properties
While not a definitive list, it does help to show a side-by-side view of common properties used by the various persistence providers out there. TopLink <properties> <!--
Page: Configuring Containers in Tests
Like Resources, Containers can also be declared via InitialContext properties as well. The most useful is to declare a Stateful SessionBean container so that it's guaranteed to passivate and activate on each call to the bean, allowing you to test your cal
Page: Configuring DataSources
Configuring DataSources in openejb.xml The <Resource> element is used to configure a javax.sql.DataSource. It is also used to configure other resources like Timers, Topics, Queues. We will see some examples of using <Resource> to configure a DataSource. T
Page: Configuring DataSources in Tests
InitialContext properties You can configure data sources from within your test case (avoiding the need for an openejb.xml entirely) like so: Properties p = new Properties(); p.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.apache.openejb.client.LocalInitialCon
Page: Configuring Durations
The time based configuration properties of containers and beans support plain english, such as: "1 hour" "27 minutes" "10 seconds" For convenience it is possible to specify a compound form, such as: "3 days and 2 hours" "1 hour, 45 minutes" "15 minutes, 2
Page: Configuring JavaMail
Declaring a JavaMail Resource The basics are that any properties listed in the <Resource> element are given directly to the javamail provider via javax.mail.Session.getDefaultInstance(Properties props). Here might be some example properties. <Resource id=
Page: Configuring Logging in Tests When in embedded mode OpenEJB uses an file packed in our openejb-core jar which use to configure the logging. This logging configuration is a bit lighter than the conf/ file created
Page: Configuring PersistenceUnits in Tests
Overriding the persistence.xml The most common situation in EJB related testing by far is the need to alter your persistence.xml for a test environment. Overriding the <jta-data-source> and <non-jta-data-source> OpenEJB will automatically use the DataSour
Page: Constructor Injection
For those of you who would like to use final fields, wish to avoid numerous setters, or dislike private field injection and would like nothing more than to just use plan old java constructors, your wish has come true. This is a feature we intended to add
Page: Containers and Resources
Containers CMP_ENTITY Declarable in openejb.xml via <Container id="Foo" type="CMP_ENTITY"> </Container> Declarable in properties via Foo = new://Container?type=CMP_ENTITY Supports the following properties Property Name Description CmpEngineFactory Default
Page: Custom Injection
Overview As noted in the Injection of env-entry Example, the EJB 3.0 supported env-entry types are fairly limited. Also the use of several <env-entry> tags in an ejb-jar.xml can get a bit verbose. OpenEJB does not restrict you to just these data types or


Page: DataSource Password Encryption
Apache OpenEJB 3.1.2 or later required Ciphering passwords Apache OpenEJB now provides an easy and extensible way to cipher databases passwords. Not that by default, this feature is not activated so plain passwords are used. Usage Default Plain text passw
Page: Deploy Tool
NAME openejb deploy - OpenEJB Deploy Tool SYNOPSIS openejb deploy #options <file> [<file>...] NOTE The OpenEJB Deploy tool is an OPTIONAL tool that allows you to deploy into a running server and get feedback as if the app was deployed and how it was deplo
Page: Deployments
The 'Deployments' element in openejb.xml A single jar To include a single jar by name, just declare a 'Deployments' element with a 'jar' attribute pointing to the jar file on the file system. <openejb> ... <Deployments jar="c:\my\app\superEjbs.jar" /> <De
Page: Design
OpenEJB System Design Definition A modular, configurable, customizable, embeddable open source EJB container system Also Known As container system Responsibilities Implement EJB 3.0 Specification Related Classes org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB Required Librari
Page: Design - Application Server
Application Server Sub-component of OpenEJB Definition Any component wishing to serve or deliver Enterprise JavaBeans. Also Known As Server Adapter Server Provider Responsibilities Remote client access to OpenEJB Implement the bean's remote and home inter
Page: Design - Application ServerLinks
Page: Design - Assembler
Assembler Sub-component of OpenEJB Definition Instantiates and assembles a configured, runnable, instance of the container system and all sub-components. Vendors needing extreme control over the construction of the container system can get it by implement
Page: Design - BMP EntityBean Container
BMP EntityBean Container Implementation of Container Description Container that implements the EJB defined bean-container contract for EntityBeans with bean-managed persistence. Also Known As BMP Entity Container BMP Container Related Classes org.apache.o
Page: Design - Classic Assembler
Classic Assembler Implementation of Assembler Description The standard assembler supported by the OpenEJB team. Uses meta-data supplied via the Configuration Factory to create all components in the system. It is assumed the meta-data has been checked and
Page: Design - CMP EntityBean Container
CMP EntityBean Container Implementation of Container Description Container that implements the bean-container contract for CMP 1.1 and CMP 2.1 EntityBeans. The container adapts these old CMP EntityBeans to the new JPA Entity bean model and persists them u
Page: Design - Configuration Factory
Configuration Factory Sub-component of Classic Assembler Definition Creates an instance of the OpenEjbConfiguration class that contains all the data and configuration information the Classic assembler needs to construct the container system. The object st
Page: Design - Container
Container Sub-component of OpenEJB Definition An Enterprise JavaBeans container enforce the container-bean contract for an EJB 1.1, 2.0, 2.1 or 3.0 bean type. Containers for custom container-bean contracts can also be created. Also Known As Container Prov
Page: Design - Local Server
Local Server Implementation of Application Server Description Allows for optimized interaction among beans and clients in the same virtual machine. Also Known As IntraVM IntraVM Server Related Packages org.apache.openejb.core.ivm
Page: Design - Local ServerLinks
Design - Application ServerLinks
Page: Design - Nova Configuration Factory
Nova Configuration Factory Implementation of Configuration Factory Description Populates an OpenEjbConfiguration object by combining the data from an openejb.xml file, the ejb-jar.xml and openejb-jar.xml from deployed bean jars, and service-jar.xml contai
Page: Design - Passivation Strategy
Passivation Strategy Sub-component of Stateful SessionBean Container Definition Used by the Stateful Container to passivate and activate stateful session beans to a temporary storage. Responsibilities Store and retrieve instances Related Classes org.apach
Page: Design - Random Access File Passivater
Random Access File Passivater Implementation of Passivation Strategy Description A PassivationStrategy that bulk passivates bean instances to a random access file. Also Known As RAF Passivater Related Classes org.apache.openejb.core.stateful.RAFPassivater
Page: Design - Remote Server
Remote Server Implementation of Application Server Description Distributes EJB interface implementations to remote clients using a conversational serialization-based protocol. Also Known As EJBd Protocol Related Classes org.apache.openejb.server.EjbDaemon
Page: Design - Remote ServerLinks
Design - Application ServerLinks
Page: Design - Resource Manager
Resource Manager Sub-component of OpenEJB Definition Provides the container with managed connections to transactional data sources required by beans Also Known As Connector Connection Manager Responsibilities Provides beans with connection handles Manages
Page: Design - Security Service
Security Service Sub-component of OpenEJB Definition Provides the container with an authenticated client identity. Also Known As Security Provider Responsibilities Authenticate the user in an implementation specific way Provides OpenEJB a reference to the
Page: Design - Simple Passivater
Simple Passivater Implementation of Passivation Strategy Description A PassivationStrategy that idividually passivates bean instances to a binary file. Related Classes org.apache.openejb.core.stateful.SimplePassivater
Page: Design - Stateful SessionBean Container
Stateful SessionBean Container Implementation of Container Description Container that implements the EJB defined bean-container contract for Stateful SessionBeans. Also Known As Stateful Session Container Stateful Container Related Classes
Page: Design - Stateless SessionBean Container
Stateless SessionBean Container Implementation of Container Description Container that implements the EJB defined bean-container contract for stateless SessionBeans. Also Known As Stateless Session Container Stateless Container Related Classes org.apache.
Page: Design - Transaction Service
Transaction Service Sub-component of OpenEJB Definition Provides the container with transactional integrity. Also Known As Transaction Manager Responsibilities To give OpenEJB a reference to a valid implementation of javax.transaction.TransactionManager R
Page: DesignLinks
Page: Developers
Page: Developers Guide
Page: Documentation
Page: Dynamic Datasource
OpenEJB dynamic datasource Goal The openejb dynamic datasource api aims to allow to use multiple data sources as one. It can be useful for technical reasons (load balancing for example) or functionnal reasons (filtering, aggregation, enriching...). The AP


Page: EJB + JPA + JSF + JAX-RS
Business Case The example explains how a real-life business problem is solved using OpenEJB in a combination with other open-source frameworks and tools. The example covers the entire technical solution, including architecture, design, build automation, u
Page: EJB 2.1 Compatibility Example
Overview In EJB 3.0, your bean's interfaces are not required to extend any specific set of interfaces and generally have no requirements on them at all. These are referred to in EJB spec lingo as Business Interfaces. In EJB 2.1 and prior, however, there w
Page: EJB 3.0 Specification
Specification The EJB 3.0 specification can be downloaded from the JSR 220 at the JCP (Java Community Process) website after clicking through the JCP's online agreement. The specification is very large, but there's
Page: EJB Refs
Referencing a bean in another jar (with annotations) When using annotations to reference a bean from another ejb in your ear you have to supplement the @EJB reference with a small chunk of xml in the ejb-jar.xml of the referring bean. So in ejb app A colo
Page: EJB Servlet
package org.superbiz; import org.apache.openejb.loader.SystemInstance; import org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceException; import org.apache.openejb.server.ejbd.EjbServer; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import ja
Page: ejb-local-ref
Via annotation package org.superbiz.refs; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.naming.InitialContext; @Stateless @EJB(name = "myFooEjb", beanInterface = FooLocal.class) public class MyEjbLocalRefBean implements MyBeanInterface {
Page: ejb-ref
Via annotation package org.superbiz.refs; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.naming.InitialContext; @Stateless @EJB(name = "myFooEjb", beanInterface = FooRemote.class) public class MyEjbRemoteRefBean implements MyBeanInterface
Page: Embedded and Remotable
Overview This example shows how to use OpenEJB3's remoting capabilities in an embedded scenario. By remoting we mean that you wish to allow clients in other vms access your ejbs. Note, you do not need to go to this extreme to unit test ejbs with remote in
Page: Embedded Configuration
Defaults, Overrides and Order When booting up OpenEJB for testing via the LocalInitialContextFactory there is quite a bit of flexibility to how things are configured. OpenEJB will function fine with no configuration at all and will happily create things a
Page: Embedding
The basic process for embedding OpenEJB: Add the OpenEJB libraries to your classpath Ensure your EJB modules are discoverable Use the LocalInitialContextFactory to boot OpenEJB Important docs Application discovery via the classpath Embedded Configuration
Page: Examples
EJB3 Examples All examples come with JUnit unit tests that can be run in any IDE, Maven or Ant without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container. The easiest way to run the examples in your IDE is to use maven (mvn eclipse:eclipse or mvn
Page: Examples Table
Unfortunately all the examples are not documented here yet, more examples can be browsed in version control or check it out with subversion (svn co


Page: Failover
Overview OpenEJB supports stateless failover. Specifically, the ability for an EJB client to failover from one server to the next if a request cannot be completed. No application state information is communicated between the servers, so this functionality


Page: Getting Started
The following instructions are written using Eclipse 3.2. We will refer to the install location of OpenEJB as OPENEJB_HOME Here are some basic steps you need to perform to get started with OpenEJB Download and install OpenEJB Setup your development enviro
Page: Getting Started (D)


Page: Hello World
This page shows the basic steps required to create, build, and run an EJB and EJB client in its most minimum form. It does not hide steps or rely on special build tools or IDEs and is about the most stripped down you can get. See the Examples page for a f
Page: Helloworld Weblogic
Page: Hibernate
Sample persistence.xml For a unit called "movie-unit" using two datasources called "movieDatabase" and "movieDatabaseUnmanaged" the following persistence.xml would work. <persistence version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="
Page: Home


Home page: Index
Java EE Basics Getting Things Security Transactions EJB 3.0 Applications EJB 3.0 Specification Callbacks Understanding Callbacks Security Annotations Transaction Annotations EJB Refs XML Overrides JPA Concepts EJB 3.1 Applications Singleton Beans Configur
Page: Injection of DataSource Example
Overview In this example we use the @Resource annotation to inject a javax.sql.DataSource into our bean. The trickiest thing about injecting a DataSource is not declaring the annotation, but actually configuring the data source. In OpenEJB the rules are q
Page: Injection of EntityManager Example
Overview Shows use of @PersistenceContext to have an EntityManager with an EXTENDED persistence context injected into a @Stateful bean. An EJB 3 @Entity bean is used with the EntityManager to create, persist and merge data to a database. If you need to us
Page: Injection of env-entry Example
Overview The EJB 3.0 spec added Dependency Injection as a main feature. The @Resource annotation can be used to inject several things including EntityManagers, DataSources, Topics, Queues, etc. Most of these are container supplied objects. It is possible,
Page: Injection of other EJBs Example
Overview This example shows how to use the @EJB annotation in a bean class to refer to other beans. This functionality is often referred as dependency injection, and has been introduced in Java EE 5. In this particular example, we will create two session
Page: Interceptor Example
Page: Introduction to the command line tools


Page: Java EE Refs
Page: JavaAgent
Adding a JavaAgent Adding a java agent is done via a vm parameter as follows: java -javaagent:openejb-javaagent-3.0-beta-2.jar [other params...] The java agent is only required if using OpenJPA as your persistence provider or if using CMP. Maven2 In maven
Page: JavaAgent with Maven Surefire
Maven2 In maven2 you can enable the javaagent for your tests by adding this to your pom.xml file: <build> <plugins> <!-- this configures the surefire plugin to run your tests with the javaagent enabled --> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</group
Page: JMS Resources and MDB Container
External ActiveMQ Broker <openejb> <Resource id="MyJmsResourceAdapter" type="ActiveMQResourceAdapter"> # Do not start the embedded ActiveMQ broker BrokerXmlConfig ServerUrl tcp://someHostName:61616 </Resource> <Resource id="MyJmsConnectionFactory" type="j
Page: JNDI Names
What's My Bean's JNDI Name? There are two things to keep in mind before you start reading: OpenEJB provides a default JNDI name to your EJB. You can customize the JNDI name. Default JNDI name The default JNDI name is in the following format: {deploymentId
Page: JPA Concepts
JPA 101 If there's one thing you have to understand to successfully use JPA (Java Persistence API) it's the concept of a Cache. Almost everything boils down to the Cache at one point or another. Unfortunately the Cache is an internal thing and not exposed
Page: JPA Usage
Things to watch out for Critical: Always set jta-data-source and non-jta-data-source Always set the value of jta-data-source and non-jta-data-source in your persistence.xml file. Regardless if targeting your EntityManager usage for transaction-type="RESOU



Page: Local Client Injection
The @LocalClient annotation (org.apache.openejb.api.LocalClient) is an innovation that crosses concepts of an Java EE Application Client with a plain Java SE client. This particular annotation is focused on clients of an Embeddable EJB container, i.e. loc
Page: Lookup of other EJBs Example
Overview This example shows how to configure JNDI to lookup other EJBs using either the @EJB annotation or the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor. There are a couple interesting aspects in this example intended to flush out some of the more confusing, and


Page: Manual Installation
{composition-setup} {composition-setup} Overview The manual installation process is significantly harder then the automatic installation which we normally recommend. In this installation process you will do the following: Install openejb.war Download open


Page: Navigation
Page: New Instructions
Instructions on OpenEJB Tomcat Installation can be found at Tomcat


Page: Online Javadocs
Page: OpenEJB per Tomcat installation
Instructions on OpenEJB Tomcat Installation can be found at Tomcat OpenEJB per Tomcat instance Configure OpenEJB per Tomcat instance requires the following steps:* Copy the war/openejb-loader-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war into the webapps dir of a running Tomcat inst
Page: openejb.xml
Overview The openejb.xml is the main configuration file for the container system and it's services such as transaction, security, and data sources. The format is a mix of xml and properties inspired by the format of the httpd configuration file. Basically
Page: OpenJPA
OpenJPA is bundled with OpenEJB as the default persistence provider. An example of working persistence.xml for OpenJPA: <persistence xmlns="" version="1.0"> <persistence-unit name="movie-unit"> <jta-data-source>movieD


Page: persistence-context
Via annotation Both lookup and injection of an EntityManager can be configured via the @PersistenceContext annotation. package org.superbiz; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.ejb.Stateless; i
Page: persistence-unit-ref
Both lookup and injection of an EntityManagerFactory can be configured via the @PersistenceUnit annotation or <persistence-unit-ref> in xml. Annotations and xml have equal function in both lookup and injection. Injection and Lookup Via annotation package
Page: Properties Tool
Properties Command line Tool To see all configurable properties in use by OpenEJB, using the following tool against a running server: ./bin/openejb properties The output of this tool takes all overrideable components OpenEJB sees and outputs their propert
Page: Property Overriding
OpenEJB consists of several components (containers, resource adapters, security services, etc.) all of which are pluggable and have their own unique set of configurable properties. These components are required to specify their default property values in


Page: QuickLinks
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Page: Resource Injection
Overview This example demonstrates the use of the injection of environment entries using @Resource annotation. The EJB 3.0 specification (EJB Core Contracts and Requirements) section 16.2.2 reads: A field or method of a bean class may be annotated to requ
Page: resource-ref for DataSource
Via annotation package org.superbiz.refs; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.sql.DataSource; @Stateless @Resource(name = "myFooDataSource", type = DataSource.class) public class M


Page: Security
Security - How To. We currently have two authentication mechanisms to choose from: PropertiesLoginModule (a basic text file based login that looks up users and groups from the specified properties files) SQLLoginModule (database based login that looks up
Page: Security Annotations
This page shows the correct usage of the security related annotations: Basi
Page: Service Locator
The functionality of the openejb.jndiname.format allows for writing some really fun service locator code. Creating the exact layout you want using the exact data you want means you can create robust libraries for pulling things out of JNDI. Lookup example
Page: Simple Stateful Example
Overview <object width="400" height="250"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed
Page: Simple Stateless Example
Overview <object width="400" height="250"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http
Page: Singleton Beans
Singleton Overview For the first time in years EJB has a new bean type, the @Singleton. In my opinion, the javax.ejb.Singleton will replace a lot of what people are using @Stateless for today. The Singleton is essentially what you get if you take a Statel
Page: Singleton Example
Overview As the name implies a javax.ejb.Singleton is a session bean with a guarantee that there is at most one instance in the application. What it gives you that is completely missing in EJB 3.0 and prior versions is the ability to have an EJB that is n
Page: Space Index
Page: Spring
This document and the related feature is considered a prototype and will change based on user feedback. All comments suggestions welcome. Introduction The OpenEJB Spring integration makes all Spring defined beans injectable to JEE components, and all JEE
Page: Spring and OpenEJB 3.0
OpenEJB 3.1 and later users should refer to the Spring page. Bootstrapping OpenEJB in Spring If you wish to use OpenEJB inside Spring you can do so pretty easily. Include OpenEJB and its dependencies in your classpath as you would in a plain embedded scen
Page: Spring EJB and JPA
OpenEJB 3.1 or later required This example shows how to combine Spring, OpenEJB and Hibernate using the integration code provided by OpenEJB. Here, OpenEJB is used as an embeddable EJB container inside of Spring. See the Spring page for details. We use th
Page: Startup
NAME openejb start - OpenEJB Remote Server SYNOPSIS openejb start #options NOTE The OpenEJB Remote Server can be started by running the openejb.bat script for windows and the openejb script for Linux and other Unix based OSes. Before running these scripts
Page: Stateless Session Beans
Page: System Properties
General properties Update this section and add more documentation and examples of the usage of each property. Group similar properties openejb.authentication.realmName openejb.base openejb.configuration openejb.deploymentId.format openejb.deployments.clas


Page: TestCase with TestBean inner-class
The use of an inner-class annotated as an EJB can get you all the resources you may need to run your test case such as a UserTransaction, EntityManager, JMS Topic or Queue, DataSource, references to other EJBs, etc. Simply add a META-INF/ejb-jar.xml to yo
Page: Testing Security Example
Overview Builds upon the Injection of EntityManager Example but adds the use of @RolesAllowed and @PermitAll in the @Stateful bean to restrict who can perform create, persist and remove operations on the EntityManager. Shows a TestCase using the @RunAs an
Page: Testing Transactions Example
Overview Testing an EntityManager that uses the default, PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION, can be challenging due to Entities detaching around transaction boundaries. If you were to take the Injection of EntityManager Example which uses an EXTENDED pers
Page: Tomcat
Introduction The OpenEJB plugin for Tomcat makes all of the OpenEJB features available to Servlets, including: @Annotations @Resource @PersistenceUnit @PersistenceContext @EJB JPA - Java Persistence Architecture JMS - Java Messaging Service JTA - Transact
Page: Tomcat Detailed Instructions
{composition-setup}{composition-setup} Detailed Installation Instructions These instructions assume you have a standard Tomcat installation running on port 8080. If you do not have an existing Tomcat installation, or want to start with a fresh installatio
Page: Tomcat ejb-refs
Via @EJB Annotation Which an be as simple as adding this to your Servlet, Filter, or Listener: @EJB private HelloLocal helloLocal; See the @EJB Injection Example for a running example. The example uses one ejb to refer to another ejb, but the same rules a
Page: Tomcat Installation
{composition-setup} {composition-setup} Overview Tomcat installation is very simple, and can be describes as "Unpack and Run". These instructions were written using Tomcat 6.0.14 but any recent 6.x version should work. If you are comfortable with the CLI,
Page: Tomcat ObjectFactory
Tomcat Object Factory
Page: Transaction Annotations
Transaction Annotations also see Testing Transactions for an example of how to use and test EJB transaction attributes The javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute annotation (@TransactionAttribute) can be applied to a bean class or it's methods. Usage of the @Tran


Page: Understanding Callbacks
The rules here are pretty hard to follow without examples. When they say one AroundInvoke per class they mean that in the most literal sense as in one individual java class definition, not including it's parent class or classes, may exactly one AroundInvo
Page: Understanding the Directory Layout
When freshly unpacked, OpenEJB will look like this: openejb-3.0/ openejb-3.0/logs/ openejb-3.0/apps/ openejb-3.0/lib/ openejb-3.0/lib/<several jars> openejb-3.0/LICENSE.txt openejb-3.0/NOTICE.txt openejb-3.0/README.txt openejb-3.0/bin/ openejb-3.0/bin/ope
Page: Unit Testing Transactions
Basic setup Add the following interface and bean to your test sources (they could even be inner classes of a test case): Business interface public interface Caller { public <V> V call(Callable<V> callable) throws Exception; } Bean Implementation(s) import
Page: Users
Page: Users Guide
Table of Contents: Getting Started Understanding the Directory Layout Introduction to the command line tools Persistence Stateless Session Beans Stateful Session Beans [OPENEJB:Message Driven Beans [Configuring the Server Configure a DataSource Configure



Page: Webapp-based EJBs
Instructions on Webapp-based EJBs can be found at Collapsed EAR Introduction The basic idea of this approach is that your Servlets and EJBs are together in your war file as one app. No classloader boundries between Serlvets & EJBs EJBs and Servlets can s
Page: Wiki





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