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This page describes the mechanics of how to contribute software to Apache Whirr.

Getting the source code

First of all, you need the Whirr source code. Checkout subversion "trunk" using:

svn checkout whirr-trunk

Setting up Eclipse

Generate the Eclipse project and classpath files:

mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true -DdownloadJavadocs

Set the M2_REPO classpath variable
1. File, Preferences, Java, Build Path, Classpath Variables
2. New

  • Name: M2_REPO
  • Path: /path/to/.m2/repository

Import all projects
1. File, import, General, Existing projects into workspace
2. Choose the whirr-trunk directory
3. Choose all modules

It's also convenient to add the top-level directory as an Eclipse project too.

Building Whirr

Build and install the JARs from the top-level with

mvn install -DskipTests

To check the code adheres to the style guidelines, which are Sun's conventions except 2 spaces for tabs,, you can use

mvn checkstyle:checkstyle

Running Tests

You can run the unit tests, which run locally without using any cloud providers, by typing:

mvn test

To run integration tests you need to have an account with a cloud provider, and you need to set the necessary credentials. In theory, Whirr runs against any provider supported by jclouds, but this hasn't been tested yet.

To run the tests for a given service, change into the services/<service> directory and type the following. Alternatively, run this from the top level to run the tests for all services.

mvn verify -DargLine='-Dwhirr.test.provider=<cloud-provider> -Dwhirr.test.user=<cloud-provider-user> -Dwhirr.test.key=<cloud-provider-secret-key>'

For Amazon EC2, whirr.test.provider should be set to ec2 (the default). The user is the access key ID, and the key is the secret access key.

The tests also rely on having an SSH keypair. By default they use .ssh/id_rsa and .ssh/ in the user's home directory, but you can override this by setting whirr.test.ssh.keyfile to the private key's filename.

Contributing your work

Patches should be ''attached'' to an issue report in JIRA via the '''Attach File''' link on the issue's Jira. Please note that the attachment should be granted license to ASF for inclusion in ASF works (as per the Apache License).

When you believe that your patch is ready to be committed, select the '''Submit Patch''' link on the issue's Jira.

You should run

mvn clean checkstyle:checkstyle apache-rat:check test

before selecting '''Submit Patch'''. Tests should all pass. You should also run integration tests if your changes may affect them. Submitting patches that fail tests is frowned on (unless the failure is not actually due to the patch).

If your patch involves performance optimizations, they should be validated by benchmarks that demonstrate an improvement.

If your patch creates an incompatibility with the latest major release, then you must set the '''Incompatible change''' flag on the issue's Jira 'and' fill in the '''Release Note''' field with an explanation of the impact of the incompatibility and the necessary steps users must take.

If your patch implements a major feature or improvement, then you must fill in the '''Release Note''' field on the issue's Jira with an explanation of the feature that will be comprehensible by the end user.

Once you have submitted your patch, a committer should evaluate it within a few days and either: commit it; or reject it with an explanation.

Please be patient. Committers are busy people too. If no one responds to your patch after a few days, please make friendly reminders. Please incorporate other's suggestions into your patch if you think they're reasonable. Finally, remember that even a patch that is not committed is useful to the community.

Should your patch be rejected, select the '''Resume Progress''' on the issue's Jira, upload a new patch with necessary fixes, and then select the '''Submit Patch''' link again.

In many cases a patch may need to be updated based on review comments. In this case the updated patch should be re-attached to the Jira with the name name. Jira will archive the older version of the patch and make the new patch the active patch. This will enable a history of patches on the Jira. Patch naming is generally WHIRR-#.patch where WHIRR-# is the id of the Jira issue.

Committers: for non-trivial changes, it is best to get another committer to review your patches before commit. Use Submit Patch link like other contributors, and then wait for a "+1" from another committer before committing. Please also try to frequently review things in the patch queue.

Committing Guidelines for committers

Apply the patch uploaded by the contributor. Edit the CHANGES.txt file, adding a description of the change, the bug number it fixes, and the contributor's name. Add it to the appropriate section - INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES, NEW FEATURES, IMPROVEMENTS, BUG FIXES. Please follow the format in CHANGES.txt file. When adding an entry please add it to the end of a section. Use the same entry for the svn commit message.

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