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This page describes how to make a release of Whirr. It is based on a combination of the guide for Tapestry (thanks to the Tapestry team for sharing this!), and the Hadoop release process.

Create a Release Series Branch

This only needs doing if this is the first release in a series (X.Y.0).

  • Update CHANGES.txt in trunk to replace Trunk (unreleased changes) with Release X.Y.0 - YYYY-MM-DD. Commit:
    svn commit -m "Preparing for release X.Y.Z-incubating"
  • Create a branch for the release series:
    svn copy \ -m "Branching for X.Y releases"
  • Add back Trunk (unreleased changes) to CHANGES.txt in trunk.
  • Bump the version number in trunk (the update-versions script mangles the whitespace in the root XML element):
    for file in $(find . -name pom.xml); do
      sed -i "" -e "s/0.1.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT/0.2.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT/" $file;
  • Commit these changes to trunk.

Update the Release Branch

The version number in the release branch ends in -SNAPSHOT, but we need to remove this for the release. For example, 0.1.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT needs to be changed to 0.1.0-incubating.

for file in $(find . -name pom.xml); do
  sed -i "" -e "s/0.1.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT/0.1.0-incubating/" $file;

Run Tests

Run all the unit and integration tests (which means you should have cloud credentials to run on a cloud provider) with the following:

mvn clean verify -Pintegration -DargLine='-Dwhirr.test.provider=<cloud-provider> -Dwhirr.test.identity=<cloud-provider-user> -Dwhirr.test.credential=<cloud-provider-secret-key>'

Generate the Release Notes

JIRA has the ability to generate release notes automatically (this is why it is so important to keep the fix version number accurate).

Manually check this list for accuracy! I've repeatedly seen closed bugs that were not fixed (i.e., duplicate) marked with a fix version, so that they incorrectly show up in this list. Find those, edit them to remove the fix release (only actually fixed bugs should have a fix release) and re-run the report.

Select the correct version, in HTML format.

Paste the notes to the top of src/site/xdoc/release-notes.xml

Wrap the title ("Release Notes - Whirr - Version X.Y.Z-incubating") inside an <h1> element.

Build and Deploy Artifacts

The following command deploys the artifacts, checksums, and signatures (you will need to enter a GPG passphrase) to the staging repo at (TODO: update to use official snapshot repo described at

mvn deploy -Ppackage -Pdeploy -Pjavadoc

Once the vote on the release is approved, the files will be moved from there to the official Apache Maven repo.

Cleaning up

Maven generates spurious checksums for .asc files, so we need to delete them. (This should be fixed from Maven 2.3 onwards.) Log in to, and type:

find ~/public_html/whirr-repo -name \*.asc.\* | xargs rm

Copy Release Artifacts

The artifacts that end up in the distribution directory are the source distribution and the CLI uberjar (along with their checksums and signatures), so they need to be copied from the Maven repo to the release directory on so folks can vote on them:

mkdir ~/public_html/whirr-releases
cp -p ~/public_html/whirr-repo/org/apache/whirr/whirr/X.Y.Z-incubating/whirr-*-src.tar.gz* ~/public_html/whirr-releases
cp -p ~/public_html/whirr-repo/org/apache/whirr/whirr-cli/X.Y.Z-incubating/whirr-cli-*[0-9].jar* ~/public_html/whirr-releases

Commit and Tag

Commit changes to subversion, and tag:

svn copy -rHEAD

Run the Vote

Roll Out

Assuming the vote passes, the release can be rolled out as follows:

Build and Deploy Site

mvn site-deploy

Move Artifacts into Place


Wait 24 Hours

It takes up to 24 hours for all the mirrors to sync, to don't go announcing the new release just yet.

Announce the Release

TODO: update website

Advance the Version Numbers

Add the Next Release to JIRA

Add the next version number (e.g. 0.2.0-incubating after 0.1.0-incubating) to JIRA using this link:

In JIRA, you should also Release the version you are releasing now.

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