Tapestry 5.2.6 is a maintenance release.

Bugs Fixed

  • [TAP5-1368] - The onFailure function provided to Tapestry.ajaxRequest does not always get invoked
  • [TAP5-1546] - TranslatorSource incorrectly annotated with @UsesConfiguration when it should now be @UsesMappedConfiguration (as of 5.2)
  • [TAP5-1551] - FormFragment change visibility/hide and remove event listeners should call event.stop() to prevent container fragments from also being hidden

Improvements Made

  • [TAP5-1482] - Upgrade Prototype to 1.7 / Scriptaculous 1.9.0
  • [TAP5-1538] - Optimize client-side URL rebuilding in IE 7
  • [TAP5-1539] - Optimize document scans used by Tapestry.FieldEventManager to not locate the label or icon until actually needed

  • No labels