Open Climate Workbench

Project Description

Project Description

The Apache Open Climate Workbench(OCW)¹ is a comprehensive suite of algorithms, libraries, and interfaces designed to standardize and streamline the process of interacting with large quantities of observational data (such as is provided by the RCMED) and conducting regional climate model evaluations.

¹Previously called the Regional Climate Model Evaluation Toolkit (RCMET)

Project Overview

OCW consists of a Python library for common model evaluation tasks (e.g. area averaging, regridding, bias calculation) as well as a set of user-friendly interfaces for quickly configuring a large-scale regional model evaluation task.

Users can interact with the OCW either by including the Python library directly in their code, or by way of the flexible RESTful Application Programmer Interface (API).

The REST API, also implemented in Python, allows OCW users to integrate the capabilities of the toolkit into their workflow regardless of language and environment, provided they have the ability to make HTTP requests.

Wiki Navigation

Please see the Quick Links navigation menu below for all of the guides and current documentation.

New users and/or developers of OCW should start at the top and work their way down.


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