The data and information housed in the centralized Mifos database is critical to the operations and management of a financial institution. While Mifos X ships with more than five dozen standard report and has multiple ways to build custom reports, non-technical staff who don’t know SQL queries nor the structure of the database struggle to be able to access new reports on the fly.

Integration with Saiku would allow for ad-hoc reporting or more simply a drag and drop interface for management and non-technical staff to easily slice and dice and create reports on the fly..

Previous development work on the project has been led by an intern in 2014 who faced challenges with the availability of the version of Saiku. The new version is now available but the challenges and outstanding questions with the integration are being able to define data cubes that model the data house in our data tables module. Data Tables are user-defined and because of their dynamic and undefined format, it’s difficult to model in a pre-defined data cube. Some Mifos partners explored this in 2015 but didn’t make much progress.

Volunteer will research the various optiog place), and conduct, synthesize and assimilate conversns and tools for drag and drop reporting (there were some concerns with active development of Saiku but that still seems to be takinations and research across the community to address outstanding issues. Volunteer will draft initial users stories for the module and design low-fidelity mockups and wireframes for the reporting interface and how it integrates seamlessly into the Mifos X user interface.

Background on the project can be found at:

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