
OpenWhisk is an open source, distributed Serverless computing platform able to execute application logic (Actions) in response to events (Triggers) from external sources (Feeds) or HTTP requests governed by conditional logic (Rules). It provides a programming environment supported by a REST API-based Command Line Interface (CLI) along with tooling to support packaging and catalog services.  Additionally, it now provides options to host the platform components as Docker containers on various Container Frameworks such as Mesos, Kubernetes, and Compose.

OpenWhisk has been incubating since 2016-11-23.

   Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:    

  1. Finish the remaining component source code release under Incubator
    1. Release process/automation/documtantion are here 
    2. So far we have released these components:
    3. These components are remaining:
  2. Increase additional company and individual Contributors to maintain all project repos. and address Issue / PR backlog.
  3. Close legal transferred of Trademark handoff for "OpenWhisk" name and logo to ASF

   Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?    

  • Issue backlog building on incubator-openwhisk is still a major issue (partly due to #2 above). As of this report, the "open" issue backlog is 384 (up from 365 as of last report), but open PR is at 35 (down from 55 as of last report). Please note this is just on the "main" platform repo. and likely is paralleled in other release component repos.
    • Need to prioritize and work to reduce while advancing major proposals around restructuring around abstractions to accommodate running on Knative while enhancing support for better logging/scheduling and performance testing enhancements.
    • Trying to add more active Committers to augment those who have dropped off in their activity; however, we have reached an impasse where potential new Contributor pull requests are not getting timely reviews/merges to provide a resume' for adding to the Committer roles.
  • It seems that Apache Infra. will not provide us servers to host a staging environment that would help us perform needed staging testing on Pull Requests.  This means that independent testing needs to be done by members (companies). We have explored a corporate donation as suggested (ala Spark and SystemML), but this does not seem possible at this time. 
    • No change in status since last quarterly report.
  • Formal hand-off of OpenWhisk trademark/logo from IBM needs to be executed; need to identify process for this. See #3 above.
    • Discussion started w/ Apache legal via "legal-discuss" mailing list with subject "Trademark handoff for "OpenWhisk" name and logo".
    • IBM intends to hand-off ownership of trademarks at time of graduation.

How has the community developed since the last report?    

  • New Contributors

    • ICLAs received:
    • Joined Community Interchange calls and introduced themselves:
      • Mparuthickal (Matthew) - NYC, last 4-5 months been exploring OW, delivering all data fabric via OW api
      • Viay - also trying to inc. OW in our environment, doing PoC using OW last 2 months
      • Sam Baxter - 2nd call, phd student at UMass an IBM intern, looking at long-running computations using javascript
      • Spencer Krum, Similar job as Justin, works at IBM as an advocate; wishes to become active in community.

How has the project developed since the last report?

Emphasis on these areas have been featured since last report:

   How would you assess the podling's maturity?  Please feel free to add your own commentary.    

   [ ] Initial setup

   [X] Working towards first release  (nearly complete, see above)

   [X] Community building

   [X] Nearing graduation  

   [ ] Other:  


      • Need greater variety of contributors and contributing companies

 Date of last release:    

      • N/A   

When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?    

      • New Committers+PPMC:
        • Ben Browning, Red Hat
        • Brendan McAdams, Red Hat
        • Sven Lange-Last, IBM
        • Tyson Norris, Adobe, added to PPMC (already a Committer)
      • New Committers
        • No new Committers


[ ] (openwhisk) Bertrand Delacretaz  Comments:

[ ] (openwhisk) Jim Jagielski  Comments:  

[ ] (openwhisk) Isabel Drost-Fromm   Comments:

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