
Struts2-Jsr303-Validation-Plugin 1.0 is available now.

This Plugin works as a bridge between Struts2 and JSR-303 Compliant bean Validator. Some of reference implementation for JSR303 are

  • Hibernate bean validator
  • Apacche Bval

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You can use Maven to add plugin in your struts2 application


Once plugin is in your application class path, all you need to extends you jsr303 and you will be ready to use JSR303 Validator.

<package name="default" extends="jsr303">
    <default-interceptor-ref name="jsr303ValidationStack"/>
    // action mapping

Please note that you need to add Bean validator in your application.You can add Hibernate bean Validator or Apache BVal either downloading from there download page or with help of Maven

Hibernate Validator


Apache BVal


Se the project home for download, Maven details, usage guide, etc.:

v1.7.1 resolves an issue with the error message mechanism from v1.7.0 (see issue #2 on the project home for more details)

For details on the plugin, its usage, Maven information, bug reporting, etc., see the project home:

The new version features slightly improved performance and the addition of a timeout field for the @BeginConversation annotations.

Other Notes:

  • The names of the interceptors in the struts.xml have changed. There is now a single "conversation" interceptor that should be used for the conversation scope, and, optionally, there is a "sessionField" interceptor that works with the @SessionField annotations.
  • Also, if your Struts version is earlier than 2.3.3, then you will also need the available here:
  • Looking to add better tutorials/guides/documentation next rather than coding. If you have any questions or difficulties, please field them to the "issues" section on the project home indicated below.



Project Home:

===Release Notes===

  1. Improved memory management and performance
  2. New extension to Config Browser Plugin for viewing Conversation configuration details at run-time

Visit the project home for more details, example apps, downloads, and Maven dependencies.

Struts 2 plugin to push multiple objects on the value stack using annotations.

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Check out the project home. Helpful for multi-page flows and multi-tab support.

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Maven Dependency

The Struts2 Bootstrap Plugin is now available in version 1.3.0.

The Plugin supports now an easy client validation when using the Struts2 jQuery Plugin.
See the new Client Validation Example in the Showcase App.

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Check out the project home. Helpful for multi-page flows and multi-tab support.

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