Apache OFBiz Social Media Guidelines

The Apache OFBiz project is now using Social Media (currently Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn) but these guidelines are applicable for any other future social media used by the project. This page outlines the main guidelines.

Goal of Social Media

The goal of social media is the spread news about OFBiz or promote the project.

The project would like to use social media to build awareness of OFBiz and communicate to the community as well as any potential new adopters.

Access to Social Media Accounts


The project Twitter account (@ApacheOfbiz) is controlled by the OFBiz PMC. At the time of writing all existing PMC members have been given access to the account either directly or via Tweetdeck. Any future PMC members will need to be informed of how they can access this account.

How to Get access to the @Apache Ofbiz Twitter Account

As well as the general Social Media Do's and Don'ts guidelines below, we have an additional page that gives more details on acceptable Twitter content and use.

Apache OFBiz Blog

The OFBiz project blog is controlled by the PMC with input from community contributors.

The project blog has 3 levels of access


IMPORTANT NOTE: An Apache constraint is that only committers with an apache.org email address are allowed access to a weblog.


If you would like access to or help contribute to the project blog to prepare announcements or news then please post message on the user mailing list

Proposed Blog Content

Special Note for blog contributors. When creating a new blog entry the URL is generated automatically from the words used in the title. Any numbers that are surrounded by spaces are ignored. To generate a URL for blog content that includes the month and year for the entry please use something similar to the following format for the month and year.

OFBiz Update June2015

This should generate a URL similar to


Do's and Dont's for Social Media

Before posting anything, you will need to be familiar with the ASF Media and Analyst Relations and also ASF Brand Management. These pages highlight the Foundation's guidelines for media and press release information as well as guidelines on the use of trademarks for Apache and the project.

Whether you are posting from a personal account about Apache OFBiz or posting from one of the official project accounts, there are a few things to keep in mind.

If in doubt, ask