Welcome to the Apache Geronimo v2.1 documentation. This is a work in progress and at this point in time we are starting to outline the new features that will become part of this new release, so expect this documentation to be updated frequently.

To help you find the content you are looking for we are separating the documentation in two main groups, User's guide and Developer's guide.

User's guide

  • (tick) Installation and configuration
    • Prerequisite software
    • Downloading Geronimo
      • Building from source
      • Installing Geronimo from binaries
    • Initial configuration
      • Changing the default port numbers
      • Aliasing modules
      • Changing the username and password
    • Topology planning
      • Two-tier system
      • Three-tier system
      • Remote Apache HTTPd
    • Summary
  • Administration
    • Administrative tasks
      • Administering applications
      • Administering the Apache Geronimo Server
      • Configuring security
      • Configuring services
    • Configuring Virtual Hosts
    • Create a database
    • Geronimo Administration Console
      • What changed?
      • Console enhancements
      • The pluggable console
      • Expert mode
      • Deployment plans wizard
      • CA helper
    • Running Geronimo as a non-root user
    • Tools and commands
  • Monitoring
    • What is it?
    • What can I monitor
    • Impact on the server workload?
    • Install
    • Customization
  • GShell
    • What is it?
    • Benefits
    • What it does/replaces
    • Tools and commands
    • How-to samples
  • Pluggable console
    • What is it?
    • Benefits
    • Architecture
    • Install/deploy
    • Customization
    • Developing new portlets
  • Plugin infrastructure
    • What are the plugins?
    • Enhancements from previous releases
    • Plugin infrastructure/architecture
    • plugin.xml
    • Plugins install
    • Pluggable console
    • GShell commands option
  • Tooling
    • Devtools
      • Geronimo eclipse plugin
    • j2g

Developer's guide

  • Quick start - fast and easy development
    • Getting the software
    • Installing Geronimo Eclipse Plugin
    • Defining a New Server Runtime
    • Package your applications
    • Deploy your application
    • Run your application
  • Development environment
    • Installing eclipse
    • Creating a new project
    • Configuring your development environment
    • Installing geronimo plugins
    • Defining servers
  • Geronimo architecture
    • JEE spec compliance
    • Components/modules
      • Containers
      • Services
      • Database
      • Persistence
      • Web services
      • Security
      • Resource adapters
    • Maven
    • Geronimo plugin architecture
    • Plugable console
    • Repositories
    • GBeans
    • Classloaders
    • APIs
    • Configuration
  • Tutorials
    • Web applications
      • Web application for JMS access
      • Web Application for EJB access
      • Web Application for JDBC access
    • Java Server Faces
    • Application clients
      • Application client accessing EJB
    • EJB applications
    • Web services
      • Building JAX-WS pojo web service
      • Building JAX-WS EJB stateless session bean web services
      • RESTFUL Web Services
      • SAAJ Web Services
      • MTOM Web Services
      • WS Addressing
      • Securing your applications
    • Persistence
      • Using Java Persistence API in application client
      • Working with JSF and JPA
    • Annotations
      • JAX-WS web service and client using annotations
    • Extending Geronimo
    • Portlets