Camel Example

Apache Camel can be used to provide Enterprise Integration Patterns within JBI.

This example creates a Camel Service Unit and puts it into a Service Assembly for deploying a some Camel routes and EIP patterns in JBI.

You can find the example in the servicemix/samples/camel area.

Running the Example

There are a number of different ways to run the example...

Running the Example with jbi:servicemix

To run the example using an embedded ServiceMix container inside Maven you can use the Maven JBI plugin.

cd samples/camel
mvn install
cd camel-sa
mvn jbi:servicemix

This should build the Camel Service Unit (in samples/camel/camel-simple-su) and then deploy the Service Assembly in ServiceMix.

Deploying the Example in ServiceMix

Using this option we'll first need to start ServiceMix, for example by running the following from a binary distro...


Now we build the Service Assembly

cd samples/camel
mvn install

Now we can deploy the Service Assembly using the Maven JBI plugin

cd camel-sa
mvn jbi:projectDeploy

Alternatively you could just copy the Service Assembly jar into the hotdeploy directory of the running ServiceMix container

Code Walkthrough

The Service Assembly just contains a single Service Unit, camel-simple-su, so thats where all the action is.

If you look inside samples/camel/camel-simple-su you will see...

  • the Camel routes are defined in Java via src/main/java/org/apache/servicemix/samples/ This actually defines a pretty trivial route; which just creates a timer so that every second a message is sent to a log endpoint (to log to the console) so its easy to see the Camel route working inside ServiceMix
  • the Service Unit is configured via the Spring src/main/resources/camel-context.xml, in particular the <package> element points to the org.apache.servicemix.samples package so that MyRouteBuilder will be enabled by default.
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