We provide a number of examples of ServiceMix in use inside the binary download.
Once you have a binary distribution you should be able to see the examples in the examples directory.

Each example has a README.txt file which explains how to run the example and where you can read more about the example.

Handy Hint

Add $SERVICEMIX_HOME/bin directory to $PATH variable to simplify execution of the examples.

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  1. Unknown User (johnreynolds)

    As I understand the ESB concept, a key factor is the ability to connect legacy assets via the ESB. An example of non-Java service providers and consumers would be very helpful... Based on the comments of Cape Clear's CEO (http://www.capeclear.com/annrai/archives/2005/06/its_all_about_s_1.html), I am confused whether or not JBI makes any sense in a heterogenous environment.