Blocking Items

  • Package Gandiva in Python wheels

JIRA Issues

Issues by Component

Components Status
Resolved Closed T:
C# 2 0 2
C++ 176 7 183
C++ - Gandiva 58 1 59
C++ - Plasma 21 1 22
Continuous Integration 17 3 20
Developer Tools 8 0 8
Documentation 26 0 26
Format 5 0 5
GLib 50 0 50
Go 25 3 28
GPU 5 0 5
Integration 2 0 2
Java 20 2 22
JavaScript 1 0 1
Packaging 50 1 51
Python 120 8 128
R 40 2 42
Ruby 19 0 19
Rust 52 3 55
Website 6 0 6
Total Unique Issues: 596 27 623
Showing 20 of 20 statistics.
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TODO Backlog

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

Issue Assignees

Assignee Status
Resolved Closed T:
Andy Grove 1 1 2
Animesh Trivedi 1 0 1
Antoine Pitrou 35 1 36
Atri Sharma 1 0 1
Brian Hulette 2 0 2
Bryan Cutler 5 0 5
Chao Sun 2 0 2
Eric Conlon 1 0 1
Ivan Zhukov 1 0 1
Jacques Nadeau 1 0 1
Jim Apple 1 0 1
Jim Crist 1 0 1
Kevin Gurney 1 0 1
Kouhei Sutou 51 0 51
Krisztian Szucs 47 0 47
Laurent Goujon 1 0 1
Licht Takeuchi 1 0 1
Li Jin 2 0 2
Lukasz Bartnik 3 0 3
Paddy Horan 7 0 7
Paul Taylor 1 0 1
Pearu Peterson 2 0 2
Philipp Moritz 8 0 8
Phillip Cloud 1 0 1
Pindikura Ravindra 1 0 1
Praveen Kumar 2 0 2
Renato Javier Marroquín Mogrovejo 2 0 2
Robert Nishihara 2 0 2
Romain Francois 5 0 5
Sebastien Binet 8 0 8
Simon Mo 1 0 1
Uwe Korn 14 1 15
Vanco Buca 1 0 1
Victor Uriarte 1 0 1
Wan Shen Lim 1 0 1
Wes McKinney 54 3 57
Yosuke Shiro 4 0 4
Yuhong Guo 2 0 2
Unassigned 1 7 8
Total Unique Issues: 276 13 289
Showing 39 of 39 statistics.
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