VBT : Generated vbox template from jenkins builds
OVT: Older Vmware System VM template
VBN: VBT name like systemvmtemplate64-2014-10-31-master-vmware
TN: Newer System VM template name
TNO : Newer System VM template ovf file
OVTN: Older Vmware System VM template name
- Change both template extension from ova to tar so that it can be extracted.
- Extract both templates to some location. Extracted content will contain the vmdk and ovf file.
- Rename vmdk file to TN
- Compare the content of both ovf files and make content of VBT ovf similar to OVT ovf.
- Create the TNO with name TN.
- copy the content of OVT ovf to TNO.
- Modify the name in TNO to TN. For this search in TNO for VBN and replace that with TN.
- Replace capacity entry in <DiskSection> of TNO with one from VBT ovf file.
- capacity entry will look something like
<Disk ovf:capacity="2500" ovf:capacityAllocationUnits="byte * 2^20" ovf:diskId="vmdisk1" ovf:fileRef="file1" ovf:format="" ovf:populatedSize="971964416" />
- Change vmdk file name to TN. This can be found in <References> section.
- vmdk name entry will lo0ok something like
<File ovf:href="systemvm64template-2014-12-18-4.3-vmware-disk1.vmdk" ovf:id="file1" ovf:size="348661760" />
- If there is any other size entry (other than capacity) remove that attribute.
- Verify content of TNO created from previous step
- Verify that name is same at all places i.e. TN at all places. It will be present mainly at 3 lines similar like
- <VirtualSystem ovf:id="systemvm64template-2014-12-18-4.3-vmware">
- <Name>systemvm64template-2014-12-18-4.3-vmware</Name>
- <vssd:VirtualSystemIdentifier>systemvm64template-2014-12-18-4.3-vmware</vssd:VirtualSystemIdentifier>
- Make sure that there are no vbox entries. If there are just remove those elements/attribute.
- Make sure that there is size entry only in <DiskSection> and not at other places.
- Make sure <OperatingSystemSection> is same as OVT ovf file.
- Copy both TNO and rename vmdk to same folder/directory
- Deploy the generated template on Vmware using TNO.
- Modify the udev rules in VM deployed in previous step
- Remove the vbox entries from /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules
- Change the name of other devices to without any subscript i.e. normally it will be cdrom2 etc just remove 2 from them.
- Halt the VM and then export it as ova template.