We record the usage events for root volume either by size of the template or size mentioned in disk offering while deploying vm using ISO.
With the new feature dynamic compute offering, metering is required as per the dynamically assigned resources. (users to use this dynamic service offering to specify the memory, cpu and root disk at the time of VM creation or upgrade.)
Scope of this document is to provide a functional specification for the Root volume metering implementation for 4.3 release.
FS for dynamic compute offering: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Dynamic+Compute+Offering+FS
Jira Ticket: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-4737
- Usage event recording when a vm is created from dynamic service offering.
- Record the values of parameters like cpu, speed, ram in dynamic service offering in usage_details table(New table), since these are corresponding to that VM only.
- Usage server to populate these values in cloud_usage db upon vm_instance usage.
- In case of vm deployed using template and dynamic root disk size is mentioned, we need to record the same value in usage event.
we will add new columns cpu, memory etc to the usage_vm_instance table of the usage database.
DB: cloud_usage
Table: usage_vm_instance
New Colums: cpu, speed, ram_size