- TARGET-AUDIENCE: *beginner*
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How to use the CookieSelector.
If you wondered how to use the CookieSelector, here's how.
In the sitemap's <map:selectors> block, make sure you have:
<map:selector name="cookie-selector" src="org.apache.cocoon.selection.CookieSelector"/>
I may be preaching to the choir here, but as a gentle reminder: the "name" attribute for the selector doesn't need to be "cookie-selector," it can be anything you want it to be, so long as you don't reuse the name for something else...
Here's a snippet from a sample sitemap.xmap that uses the CookieSelector:
<map:match pattern="**.html"> <map:aggregate element="root"> <map:part src="cocoon://{1}.links"/> <map:part src="cocoon://content/{1}.html"/> <map:part src="cocoon://get-quote"/> <map:part src="cocoon://skin-form"/> </map:aggregate> <map:select type="cookie-selector"> <map:parameter name="cookie-name" value="the-name-of-the-cookie"/> <map:when test="skin-style-1"> <map:transform src="stylesheets/facade/abstract-style.xsl"/> </map:when> <map:when test="skin-style-2"> <map:transform src="stylesheets/facade/vanity-style.xsl"/> </map:when> <map:otherwise> <map:transform src="stylesheets/facade/default-style.xsl"/> </map:otherwise> </map:select> <map:serialize type="html"/> </map:match>
A quick explanation as to what's going on here:
<map:select type="cookie-selector"> tells Cocoon to use the aforementioned CookieSelector.
<map:parameter name="cookie-name" value="the-name-of-the-cookie"/>
The 'name="cookie-name"' part of the parameter tells Cocoon it is selecting a cookie by name, the name of the cookie is provided by the 'value="the-name-of-the-cookie"' bit.
<map:when test="some-aribitrary-value"> Tests the value of the cookie against a value you specify: ie "some-arbitrary-value".
<map:otherwise> provides a nice safe default if the value of the cookie doesn't match any of the test values for which you are testing (selecting).
I use this particular block in the sitemap to implement a persistent "skinnable" website.
Have fun!
page metadata
- AUTHOR-CONTACT: mtiffany71@aol.comBR