As Co-founder and CEO of the Otego AG I work together with my partner and CTO of Otego Giacomo Pati (ASF Member and Cocoon committer). Otego AG is founding member of Orixo Group. Orixo has the goal to provide European wide Cocoon and ASF framework support.
I did get in touch with Cocoon on the early 1999 and was fascinated by the immense flexibility of this XML application framework. From there on we (Otego) introduced Cocoon in several mission critical business application like (payment, card handling, risk management systems). One of the most heavy used cocoon application, which we have build, is the payment handling solution in Switzerland. It is used by Swiss and International banks (approx. 76 banks) for time critical payment distribution (See Gartner Report Nr.: CS-17-4719 or the German XML Web Service Mag. Report). This platform uses web services, which are provided by Cocoon (Axis).
I am an active Cocoon and Avalon evangelist with the goal to make Cocoon more know in the web application development area. We already have a large base of customer using Cocoon.
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