Cocoon user since 1489 ad.
Ok, actually since 2002, though I discoverd it a tad late:
In 1999, while managing a medium sized ISP company, I had developed a self-made PHP framework for creating template based websites accessing XML data.
Nowadays I own and work for unmardedatos, a company specialized in intranet designs, network security,
and in complex web applications. My company is based on Las Palmas de G.C., in the Canary Islands, Spain..
Apart from custom tailored solutions (usually based on cocoon), unmardedatos has three 'off-the-shelves' products that can be a nice example of cocoon tecnologies:
- information center : Multilingual information web/kiosk software both mantained and published from cocoon apps. Renders content in HTML, WAP or PDF.
- online newspaper : Spin-off from the information center specialized in news publishing in HTML/PDF and RSS.
- collaborational system: Tasks and calendar management integrated with videoconferencing for companies with lots of teleconmuters.
My areas of expertise nowadays are Java programming, XML and all related tecnologies and internetworking tecnologies. Some years ago i was really apt with Cisco IOS (I mantained a public access network with lots of AS5300, 7500, 3600, 4700, etc.), and an avobe average Linux administrator and perl programmer. I also have some teaching skills, and imparted some networking lessons for two years in the Las Palmas de GC University.
I'd love to work abroad for some time, so if you think you can use me as a consultant/analyst, do not hesitate to contact me. I speak english, hablo español, et je parle un petit peu de francoise.
I'd also love to meet some cocoon users to talk about cocoon, but i don't think i can find some here in the Canaries. If someone is interested in a cocoon user group in the Canaries or in mainland Spain (i travel quite often to Madrid) please contact me at:
nacho_dot_jimenez (at) unmardedatos_dot_com