The Spring Petstore is now hosted on Use the following instructions only if you can't use SVN to fetch the source code.

Old instructions

The contains a Cocoon block implementing a version of the Petstore done with Spring and Hibernate.

Installation instructions

  • Unzip the file in the src/blocks directory of your Cocoon 2.1.5 or CVS HEAD working directory.
  • Edit gump.xml and add the following:

<project name="cocoon-block-spring" status="unstable">


<ant target="gump-block">

<property name="block-name" value="spring"/>

<property name="version" value="@@'*_DATE@@"/>


<depend project="cocoon" inherit="all"/>

<work nested="tools/anttasks"/>

<home nested="build/cocoon-@@_*'DATE@@"/>

<jar name="blocks/spring-block.jar"/>

<nag from="Gump" to=""/>


  • Build Cocoon. This block depends on the following blocks, so be sure to include them in your forms, databases, hsqldb. Exclude JARs validation from
  • Run Cocoon (cocoon servlet) and navigate to the "Spring" sample.

Update 2004-06-22

I've just uploaded a new version that doesn't use the CompilingClassLoader, which caused some problems, anymore.

I've also started to refactor the loading of data to use XML files instead of directly instantiating persistent Java beans.

Update 2004-06-23

New version with more data loaded from XML files.

Update 2004-06-24

  • Reverted to application-managed authentication.
  • Now the top menu reflects the authentication status of the user.

Update 2004-06-29

  • Made account editable.
  • Added user registration.

Update 20004-07-07

  • Completed ordering process.

Update 20004-07-09

  • Inventory management (no checks for underflow yet).



  • No labels