This page is a collection of testimonials and success stories featuring Cocoon. We could explain the benefits of SoC until the cows come home, but you don't have to take our word for it. Here's what developers are saying about Cocoon and how it helps them.
Our application has 16 forms for a total of more than 600 fields and all of them are brilliantly handled by Woody. The logic is entirely driven by Flowscript and persistence needs are handled by Hibernate. JX templates are used for views.
Doing all of this with such elegance and simplicity and with such nice-looking results wouldn't have been possible just a year ago, or it would have taken five times as much time to develop. The Flowscript, Woody and the JXTemplateGenerator made us much more productive than we would have been without them. Cocoon is finally reaching maturity as a great Web applications development framework.
Ugo Cei, message to cocoon-dev
The time saved from endless hours of scanning thousands of lines of php code to change ridiculous things like html table layouts, or an email notification has allowed me to keep my small-town, small business viable. I am able to work at home with my wife and children around me.
There are alot of ambitious goals for cocoon, and sometimes the lists gets so excited about new stuff, they might miss what has already been accomplished. But for me, Cocoon's existence has made a HUGE difference in my work *and* my home life.
Thanks Guys
JD Daniels, message to cocoon-dev
I use web service callouts from .xsp pages, driving the result through the stylesheet into html or wap browsers
In this way, I look at Cocoon as a presentation layer over a distributed mega-application. By using web services, I decouple the component parts of the application from each other; and by using Cocoon, I decouple presentation from the application. The end result is I immediately know where to look to change or add function.
Another key benefit of this configuration is that I find it is a really simple way to permit several discrete applications to aggregate content onto a single html page.
Robert Onslow
New search engine launched in January 2007: Tokenizer It does not compare prices, and it does not publish data feeds - it simply crawls.
Base technology used: Apache Cocoon, Saxon, Apache Lucene, Lucene/SOLR, Apache HttpClient, and many more. Data updated almost in real time, 50000 of new items added daily, today: 350000, and it is only 10% of coverage.
Someone wrote at TheServerSide that Cocoon is not a web application development framework... That's true!
Consider nearest future: all is Transformation...
Fuad Efendi