The CXF OpenApiFeature allows you to generate OpenAPI v3.0 documents from JAX-RS service endpoints with a simple configuration. This feature can be configured programmatically in Java or using Spring or Blueprint beans.
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.cxf</groupId> <artifactId>cxf-rt-rs-service-description-openapi-v3</artifactId> <version>3.2.4</version> </dependency>
The cxf-rt-rs-service-description-openapi-v3 is only available in 3.2.x and above due to Java 8 baseline. For older releases, as well as for the users of older Swagger specifications 1.x/2.x, there is a dedicated converter provided: org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.swagger.openapi.SwaggerToOpenApiConversionFilter.
The following optional parameters can be configured in OpenApiFeature. Note that although there are some similarities with Swagger specifications 1.x/2.x, OpenAPI v3.0 is a significant revamp of the specification (in a good sense of it).
Name | Description | Default value (if applicable) | Sample value (if applicable) |
configLocation | the OpenAPI configuration location | null | /config/openapi-configuration.yml |
scanKnownConfigLocations | scan known OpenAPI configuration location (classpath or filesystem), which are: openapi-configuration.yaml openapi-configuration.json openapi.yaml openapi.json | true | true |
propertiesLocation | the properties file location | / | / |
securityDefinitions | a list of security definitions* | null | ["basicAuth" -> new SecurityScheme().type(Type.HTTP))] |
customizer | the customizer class instance | null | new OpenApiCustomizer() |
swaggerUiMavenGroupAndArtifact | the Maven artifacts to pinpoint SwaggerUI | null | "org.webjars.swagger-ui' |
swaggerUiVersion | the version of SwaggerUI | null | "3.13.0" |
supportSwaggerUi | turns on/off SwaggerUI support | null (== true) | true |
filterClass | a security filter** | null | "com.example.filter.SampleFilter" |
resourceClasses | a list of resource classes which must be scanned** | null | [""] |
resourcePackages | a list of package names where resources must be scanned** | null | [""] |
ignoredRoutes | excludes specific paths when scanning all resources (see scanAllResources)** | null | ["/api/test"] |
prettyPrint | when generating openapi.json, pretty-print the JSON document** | true | true |
runAsFilter | runs the feature as a filter | false | false |
scan | Scan all JAX-RS resources automatically | true | true |
readAllResources | Read all operations also with no @Operation** | true | true |
termsOfServiceUrl | the terms of service URL* | null | null |
licenseUrl | the license URL* | null | "" |
license | the license* | null | "Apache 2.0 License" |
contactUrl | the contact link* | null | null |
contactEmail | the contact email* | null | "" |
contactName | the contact name* | null | null |
description | the description* | null | "The Sample REST Application with OpenAPI integration" |
title | the title* | null | "Sample REST Application" |
version | the version* | null | "1.0.0" |
swaggerUiConfig | Swagger UI configuration | null | new SwaggerUiConfig().url("/openapi.json") |
useContextBasedConfig | If set, the unique Context Id is going to be generated for each OpenApiContext instance (see please Using Multiple Server Endpoints). Also, you very likely may want to set scan property to false. | false | false |
scannerClass | the name of the JAX-RS API scanner class, used to scope the application, resource packages, resource classes and classpath scanning, please refer to Resource Scanning section | null | io.swagger.v3.jaxrs2.integration.JaxrsApplicationScanner |
* - the properties are defined in the OpenAPI class
** - the properties are defined in the SwaggerConfiguration class
Configuring from Code
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.openapi.OpenApiFeature; import; import; ... final OpenApiFeature feature = new OpenApiFeature(); feature.setContactEmail(""); feature.setLicense("Apache 2.0 License"); feature.setLicenseUrl(""); feature.setSecurityDefinitions(Collections.singletonMap("basicAuth",new SecurityScheme().type(Type.HTTP)));
Configuring from Spring
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:cxf="" xmlns:jaxrs="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> ... <!-- JAXRS providers --> <bean id="jsonProvider" class="com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJsonProvider" /> <!-- Application resources --> <bean id="sampleResource" class="demo.jaxrs.openapi.server.Sample" /> <!-- CXF OpenApiFeature --> <bean id="openApiFeature" class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.openapi.OpenApiFeature"> <!-- customize some of the properties --> </bean> ... <jaxrs:server id="sampleServer" address="/swaggerSample"> <jaxrs:serviceBeans> <ref bean="sampleResource" /> </jaxrs:serviceBeans> <jaxrs:providers> <ref bean="jsonProvider" /> </jaxrs:providers> <jaxrs:features> <ref bean="openApiFeature" /> </jaxrs:features> </jaxrs:server> </beans>
Configuring in Blueprint
In case of Apache Karaf, the OpenAPI v3.0 integration is available as cxf-rs-description-openapi-v3 feature.
feature:install cxf-rs-description-openapi-v3
<blueprint xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:cxf="" xmlns:jaxrs="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> ... <!-- JAXRS providers --> <bean id="jsonProvider" class="com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJsonProvider" /> <!-- Application resources --> <bean id="sampleResource" class="demo.jaxrs.openapi.server.Sample" /> <!-- CXF OpenApiFeature --> <bean id="openApiFeature" class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.openapi.OpenApiFeature"> <!-- customize some of the properties --> </bean> ... <jaxrs:server id="sampleServer" address="/swaggerSample"> <jaxrs:serviceBeans> <ref component-id="sampleResource" /> </jaxrs:serviceBeans> <jaxrs:providers> <ref component-id="jsonProvider" /> </jaxrs:providers> <jaxrs:features> <ref component-id="openApiFeature" /> </jaxrs:features> </jaxrs:server> </blueprint>
Configuring in CXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet
<web-app> <context-param> <param-name>contextParam</param-name> <param-value>contextParamValue</param-value> </context-param> <servlet> <servlet-name>CXFServlet</servlet-name> <display-name>CXF Servlet</display-name> <servlet-class>org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.servlet.CXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>jaxrs.serviceClasses</param-name> <param-value>org.apache.cxf.systest.jaxrs.BookStore</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>jaxrs.features</param-name> <param-value>org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.openapi.OpenApiFeature</param-value> </init-param> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>CXFServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> </web-app>
Configuring from Property files
It is possible to supply the configuration from the property files. The default location for a properties file is "/". OpenApiFeature will pick it up if it is available, and the location can be overridden with a 'propertiesLocation' property. Additionally, the complete OpenAPI configuration could be supplied from the property file (usually openapi-configuration.json or openapi-configuration.yml), controlled by 'configLocation' property. By default, OpenApiFeature scans for known OpenAPI configuration locations and loads them if available (the behavior could be switched off by setting scanKnownConfigLocations to false). Please take into account that there is a certain level of the overlap between both.
Note that the properties, if available, do not override the properties which may have been set as suggested above from the code or Spring/Blueprint contexts or web.xml. Instead they complement and serve as the default configuration properties: for example, if some properties have been set from the code then the values for the same properties found in the properties file will not be used.
Spring Boot Auto Configuration
Please consult samples/jax_rs/spring_boot and on how to create OpenApiFeature as a @Bean or/and samples/jax_rs/spring_boot_scan on how to auto-enable it. By default, the OpenApiCustomizer instance will be preconfigured for OpenApiFeature since the base path is often unknown to CXF.
Enabling Swagger UI
Adding a Swagger UI Maven dependency is all what is needed to start accessing Swagger documents with the help of Swagger UI.
<dependency> <groupId>org.webjars</groupId> <artifactId>swagger-ui</artifactId> <version>3.13.0</version> </dependency>
For example, let's assume a JAX-RS endpoint is published at 'http://host:port/context/services/'.
Open the browser and go to 'http://host:port/context/services/api-docs/?url=/openapi.json' which will return a Swagger UI page.
CXF Services page will also link to Swagger UI. Go to 'http://host:port/context/services/' and follow a Swagger link which will return a Swagger UI page.
See samples/jax_rs/description_openapi_v3 as an example.
To deactivate automatic Swagger UI integration please set 'supportSwaggerUi' property to "false".
Enabling Swagger UI in OSGi container (Karaf)
Since org.webjars/swagger-ui is just a package with resources, it won't be referenced in OSGi manifest as the required imports. Therefore, to make use of Swagger UI in the OSGi deployments, the org.webjars/swagger-ui should be installed manually, for example:
karaf@root()> install mvn:org.webjars/swagger-ui/3.23.8
The dedicated Activator will take care of discovering the presence of the org.webjars/swagger-ui bundle and configuring OpenApiFeature.
Configuring Swagger UI (3.2.7+)
The OpenApiFeature has a way to pre-configure certain Swagger UI parameters ( through SwaggerUiConfig. The way it is implemented is by passing those parameters as a query string so the Swagger UI could adjust itself.
Apache CXF prior to 3.4.6 / 3.5.1 passed Swagger UI configuration (url, ...) as query parameters. Starting from Swagger UI 4.1.3, most of query parameters are not accepted anymore (due to security concerns), and Apache CXF employes different strategy and tries to replace the URL dynamically (inside HTML) when serving Swagger UI's front web page. This behaviour could be turned off by setting queryConfigEnabled
property of the SwaggerUiConfig to true
(the default value is false
and URLs are replaced dynamically). Please notice that in this case the customized Swagger UI bundle is required since queryConfigEnabled
property could only be set by altering the distribution (
The typical initialization for server-side dynamical URL replacement looks like this:
new SwaggerUiConfig() .url("/swagger.json") ... .queryConfigEnabled(false)
In other words:
- when
is set to false, Apache CXF will dynamically replace the URL in SwaggerUI, in this respect the value won't be taken from the query string but fromurl
property of the SwaggerUI configuration, this is a default behavior - when
is set to true, Apache CXF will do nothing and just forward query parameters to SwaggerUI (hoping it will somehow take care of it), in general that implies custom SwaggerUI distribution has to be used
Using Multiple Server Endpoints (3.3.0+)
Quite often there are more than one JAXRSServerFactoryBean configured within same Apache CXF application, for example, under "/admin" and "/public" endpoints. The older Swagger/OpenAPI v2.0 integrations used such basePath to disambiguate multiple API documentation contexts, but since OpenAPI v3.0 Specification does not explicitly include the concept of basePath anymore, this approach is not working. Luckily, starting from 2.0.6 release, Swagger OpenAPI v3 implementation properly supports Context Id. To activate it from OpenApiFeature, it is enough to set useContextBasedConfig property to true (very likely you would also want to set scan to false).
final OpenApiFeature feature = new OpenApiFeature(); feature.setScan(false); feature.setUseContextBasedConfig(true); ...
With that, each OpenApiFeature will generate unique Context Id and won't see any classes / packages beyond its own configuration.
CXF's distribution contains the following samples.
- samples/jax_rs/description_openapi_v3: the OpenAPI v3.0 standalone sample using OpenApiFeature programmatically
- samples/jax_rs/description_openapi_v3_osgi: the OpenAPI v3.0 OSGi application sample using OpenApiFeature using Blueprint
- samples/jax_rs/description_openapi_v3_web: the OpenAPI v3.0 sample using OpenApiFeature inside WAR-based deployment
- samples/jax_rs/description_openapi_v3_spring: the OpenAPI v3.0 sample using Spring and multiple context paths / OpenApiFeatures
Irfan Syed
Do we have an example that works for tomcat based Application. I used the above example and modified my web.xml to point my Application, but while accessing my service it does not show any endpoint. Do we have a full example somewhere that works on tomcat and not just on Springboot or Jetty ?
Thank you !
Andriy Redko
Hi Irfan,
We don't have such an example right but the documentation should have covered this particular deployment as well, working on that, the update should be available shortly. Thank you!
Irfan Syed
That would be great. What seems to be missing in the documentation is configuring a complete web.xml and then if we need to create our own servlet for invoking the REST Service. It is a very small piece but very important for people like me who uses tomcat than Springboot/jetty based servers.
Andriy Redko
Hi Irfan,
Please take a look on this sample It is pure WAR / web.xml based, no Spring or any other CDI framework. One important detail though, because servlet mapping could be set to any context path, the sample project uses 'openapi-configuration.json' file (src/main/resources) to supply this missing information in the 'servers' section (so Swagger UI would properly detect the URLs to call).
Also, if you deploy at non-root context path in Tomcat, please make the appropriate corrections in the URL to browse your specification, f.e.: http://<host>:<port>/<context path>/app/api-docs?url=/<context path>/app/openapi.json , that should be it
Thank you.
Irfan Syed
This is exactly what I am looking for. Thank you very much for doing it. Will let you know how it goes
Irfan Syed
Your example worked perfectly fine, thank you very much again !
So, if I am running a Spring Application in CXF based tomcat Web Application, what would you recommend for configuring OpenAPI. For example, I see ApiOriginFilter is redundant if we have Spring Security. Also, how can I configure openapi-configuration.json differently for Spring CXF based Web Applications.
Andriy Redko
Awesome, glad to hear that! There are other choices, beside using `openapi-configuration.json`. You may prefer to use `OpenApiCustomizer` in case you could have easy ways to inject features into your application. The good example is this sample project. The customizer approach is preferred/easier in case of programmatic configuration, it could be also used with `web.xml` but needs a bit more initialization logic.
Irfan Syed
Cool. Also, is there a multiple classes for which we want to generate swagger file, is the only option adding all the class names separated by "," or can I add a package name ?
Andriy Redko
You could specify packages through `resourcePackages` property or classes through `resourceClasses` property, whatever is better option for you.
Irfan Syed
Makes sense. Also, is there a way I can add a basepath ? I do not see that option anywhere. The reason for asking this is that, this example works fine if I deploy it as ROOT. But for non-ROOT WebApp, I get the swagger output but I cannot execute it as the openapi.json|yaml always considers the WebApp as "ROOT". I am sure there would be a way because in swagger1 there was something like swagger.uri.basepath which could be set in the code or in the web.xml.
Andriy Redko
Right, so the OpenAPI v3 is significantly different from Swagger (though serving the same purpose). The basepath is not available anymore, instead there is a concept of 'servers'. You can find it in the 'openapi-configuration.json' for one of the samples from above (where the URL is set to not full URL but context path only, like '/app'). The `OpenApiCustomizer` does the same with 'dynamicBasePath' property. If set to 'true', it does similar thing automatically by extracting the context path from the URL and injecting the entry into `servers` component. So these 2 ways should help you out with non-ROOT WebApp or similar cases, like in the sample we talked about before, which uses `OpenApiCustomizer` to deal with this issue.
Irfan Syed
Aaah, I see. Let me pitch out my thoughts so that I understand it correctly.
So lets say if I have my webApp as "demoSrv", then can I set that in openapi-configuration.json URL as below
"servers": [
"url": "/demoSrv/app",
"description": "Test WebApp"
If this does not work then if I add a OpenAPICustomer class as below it should automatically set the URL in openapi.json|yaml with "WebApp" name. Am I right ?
package demo.jaxrs.openapi.server;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.openapi.OpenApiCustomizer;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.openapi.OpenApiFeature;
public class Customizer {
public OpenApiFeature createOpenApiFeature() {
OpenApiFeature openApiFeature = new OpenApiFeature();
OpenApiCustomizer customizer = new OpenApiCustomizer();
openApiFeature.setTitle("Spring Boot CXF REST Application");
openApiFeature.setContactName("The Apache CXF team");
openApiFeature.setDescription("This sample project demonstrates how to use CXF JAX-RS services"
+ " with Spring Boot. This demo has two JAX-RS class resources being"
+ " deployed in a single JAX-RS endpoint.");
return openApiFeature;
Also, what would be the init param that I would use to execute this class at the beginning for initialization ?
Andriy Redko
You just need one of the those two approaches: openapi-configuration.json or OpenApiCustomizer. For init-param initializing the feature property to a class instance inside web.xml is not supported (afaik), so you may have only openapi-configuration.json as an option.
Andriy Redko
Or, if you still think about using OpenApiCustomizer in case of web.xml / war, you could go with custom feature:
And than use it in web.xml instead of org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.openapi.OpenApiFeature:
Irfan Syed
Okay, it looks like there is a bug somewhere. It always consider the WebApp path as blank which is "ROOT". Generation of swagger file is fine based on the WebApp, but it is missing the context of WebApp while executing it inside OpenAPI. If I deploy your example into my own webapp(lets say 'demoSrv') and execute it in OpenAPI UI then it misses the webapp name.
Irfan Syed
I just tried both the approaches(with .json and with CustomApiFeature) and they both show me the same behavior. 'setDynamicBasePath' property to true/false does not show any difference to me.
Andriy Redko
Sorry, just to make sure we are using the same versions, are you on 3.2.5-SNAPSHOT (or 3.2.4)?
Irfan Syed
I am using 3.2.4 as mentioned in the wiki Setup. Was it not a stable version ?
Andriy Redko
That's right, 3.2.4 is a stable version. Examples are based of 3.2.5-SNAPSHOT which has slight improvements over 3.2.4. Could you please modify your feature init param value to explicitly have `configLocation` property set, like that (if you use custom feature, it will also work the same way).
Irfan Syed
This works perfectly fine. Now I can insert my WebApp name and I can execute my API's correctly from OpenAPI UI.
Thank you very much Andriy, you have been very patient
So, is this a bug that it is not picking the config file correctly ?
Andriy Redko
Awesome, thank you Irfan. There was an improvement in 3.2.5 (not released yet, in SNAPSHOT) to simplify the discovery of of the well-known OpenAPI configuration locations automatically. For 3.2.4 it still requires property to be set explicitly.
Irfan Syed
Cool, so why isn't the same thing picked up in CustomOpenAPIFeature class ?
Andriy Redko
Technical obstacles, we are working on that, might be available soon (but not now), sorry.
Irfan Syed
Thats fine, just wanted to know. Is there a way I can get to know when this issue will be fixed or a Jira bug-id I can track.
Works very well, glad to work with you. Got to learn a lot on this stuff. Looks like I am the first one to work on this API
Thank you very much ! I will look forward for the latest release.
Andriy Redko
Awesome, good luck! Regarding your question, you may be interested in CXF-7694 - Getting issue details... STATUS and comments. There is no open issue right now, but you are welcome to submit one. Thank you!
Irfan Syed
So my maven project complains that it could not find 3.2.5 snapshot and I did not see that it is publicly available.
Missing artifact org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-rs-service-description-openapi-v3:jar:3.2.5-SNAPSHOT
Irfan Syed
FYI, I took the latest repository from here and it is missing the openapi-v3.jar.
Andriy Redko
Interesting, I see a lot of JARs missed there, we'll take a look, thanks for heads up!
Bharanidharan Viswanathan
Thank you, Andriy!
The documentation helped me to set up OpenAPI3 with Spring Boot 2 + Apache CXF!
There is one thing I am still trying to figure out with OpenAPI3, restricting swagger definitions per CXF endpoint (based on the path)! I would like to define two CXF endpoints ("/admin" & "/public") & on each of them, only the specific swagger definitions should be visible! can you follow?
Is this supported? Looking forward to your answer.
Andriy Redko
Hi Bharanidharan Viswanathan,
Thank you for the feedback. Yes, very good question, so for Swagger 1.3.x / 1.5.x we contributed a patch to support that (if I am remember correctly). Since OpenApi is mostly a rewrite / new code, we would need to come up with another patch (very likely). Would you mind please to create a JIRA ticket ( to track it? Thank you.
Bharanidharan Viswanathan
Thank you Andriy Redko for the quick response.
Here is the ticket CXF-7749 - OpenApi 3.0: Enable restriction of swagger definitions per CXF endpoint (based on the path) Open please feel free to update the ticket as you see it necessary. Looking forward to the resolution.
Bharanidharan Viswanathan
Andriy Redko do you any futher information on the above ticket ? is there already a plan for its availability ? please let me know.
Andriy Redko
Bharanidharan Viswanathan the ticket is planned for sure but the work has not started yet, we'll try to wrap it up till next release but it may not be done in CXF only but may require changes in Swagger as well. You may watch the ticket to get notified. Thanks!
Irfan Syed
Hi Andriy,
Hope you are doing good ! Wanted to check if you are aware of dates for public availability of 3.2.5 version, If yes can you please share the details.
Thanks for your help !
Andriy Redko
Hi Irfan,
Getting there You could follow dev mailing list (, the recent discussions are happening here ( Thanks!
Best Regards,
Andriy Redko
Irfan Syed
Hi Andriy,
Hope you are doing good, got more questions
I was using io.swagger.v3.annotations to write my annoations for OpenAPI, but I could not write any class level annotations. All my operations go under "default". Do we have to specify something to make it show as categories for each class ? The example that you shared also uses "default", I do not see anyway to create class level annotation. It would be great if you can provide me one.
Irfan Syed
Please ignore it. I was using not using the right annotation.
Irfan Syed
Hi Andriy,
I got few questions with swagger-core, not sure if this is the right place to ask. Let me know if I have to post it somewhere else
Thank you !
Andriy Redko
Hi Irfan,
The best way to ask the question is to drop an email at:
Irfan Syed
Thank you Andriy. I will post the questions to the group going forward.
Rajesh Vyas
Andriy Redko Thanks for providing detailed instructions. Found 2 issues though which are not matching with the latest RELEASE version 3.3.1-
Andriy Redko
Thanks for the feedback, Rajesh Vyas , regarding your points:
1) That is correct, the useContextBasedConfig property is mentioned in this section Using Multiple Server Endpoints (3.3.0+) which assumes 3.3.x branch
2) This looks like an issue (minor but still), would you please open a JIRA ticket for it (
Thank you.
Rajesh Vyas
Andriy Redko I was referring to Setup section and it should point to 3.3.x at least to make sure useContextBasedConfig is present as 3.2.4 is missing useContextBasedConfig.
and for URL 'http://host:port/context/services/api-docs/?url=/openapi.json' i thought it's just documentation issue and need to just update documentation by removing extra slash like this 'http://host:port/context/services/api-docs?url=/openapi.json'?
Also curious if have a link to this confluence as i guess this is the most upto date documentation.
Hi, I'm using the latest version of CXF in RELEASE 3.3.2 and an implementation of Swagger OpenAPI. In my CXF Services page I realized that the Swagger link has disappeared compared to the Swagger 2 implementation. Is this a bug? Or an option to add? Thanks for your help. Chewb
Andriy Redko
Hi, it seems like related to CXF-8046 - Getting issue details... STATUS , it is fixed in the 3.3.3 (not released yet). Thank you.
Thank you very much Andriy. Do you know the frequency of releases? The last date of May. Have a good day
Andriy Redko
You are welcome, I don't have an exact date but I believe the release is expected to be cut in a few weeks. Thank you.