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Semantically speaking, the nightly build versions are based on the latest (officially) released version.

Even though a version with -SNAPSHOT suffix is regarded older than a version without the suffix:

2.0.0-M5-SNAPSHOT ... older
2.0.0-M5 ... newer

We don't use the -SNAPSHOT suffix with our nightly builds, so the order is inverse:

2.0.0-M5.20201027-0402-8ad3db2a ... newer
2.0.0-M5 ... older

Although Nexus automatically adds timestamps when deploying artifacts with -SNAPSHOT suffix, unfortunately these timestamps don't include a shaID.


When ever a new official version is released say 2.0.0-M5, then the follow up staged versions are based on this release eg. 2.0.0-M5.20201027-0402-8ad3db2a.

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