Apache Kylin : Analytical Data Warehouse for Big Data
Welcome to Kylin Wiki.
From my observation, some part of document change frequently, like: Configuration, Rest API ; while other part of document change rarely. At present, update and preview document is painful for our contributor. Contributor has to follow complex procedure, understand how to use Jekyll, prepare docker env, add new markdown file and raise a PR to document branch. A lot of effort has been spent on preparation and waiting.
Firstly, using wiki make social interaction like discussion/comment much easier so that author may collect comments more easily and quicker. Secondly, wiki has a lot of features, like page history so that writer may compare with previous version and checkou/revert to some specific history version very easily. Finally, wiki provided a lot of type to write wonderful format(macors), such as table of content, inline source code, plantUML, tables etc.
Here, I propose to move some part of documentation from original document branch to Apache Kylin 's Wiki since Kylin 4.0, to make updating documentation much easier. Since Confluence Wiki is an easy-to-use rich text editor, contributor can update it with less effort. For contributor who is willing to edit a wiki page, please refer to this page (How to contribute wiki) .