Lucene Top Level Project Page

This page is for stuff related to the Lucene Top Level Project (i.e. the PMC and committers) since it isn't worth spending the time to setup a whole separate wiki page.

What is the TLP (and/or the Lucene PMC)

The TLP is the organizing umbrella for all of the Lucene projects (Lucene Java, Solr, Mahout, etc.)

The Lucene PMC is a group of individuals charged with "running" the TLP by making sure Lucene subprojects follow Apache guidelines. The PMC consists of Lest you think the PMC is some secret organization, we pretty much do everything in public on the mailing list. We do some stuff in "private" (the private@lucene.a.o mailing list is viewable by any PMC member or ASF Member, so it isn't really private), like vote on adding committers to projects, but for the most part, our goal is to be as open as possible.

How the Lucene PMC Works

The Project Management Committee is defined by the ASF at

For some less formal details see and the accompanying replies.

Helpful Stuff

Sample Committer Invite


The Lucene PMC would like to invite you to be a committer on Apache XXXX!

The committer status is conditional on your desire  (please reply all to this message with your decision) to be part of the
project and your willingness/ability to sign and submit a Contributor
License Agreement found at

Feel free to decline if you do not desire commit access at this time,
or if you are unable to sign the CLA for any reason.

To set up your Apache account once the CLA has been acknowledged we
also need a preferred userid (check to avoid collisions or
provide a few acceptable alternatives) for your committer account.

Thanks, and welcome!


Community Management

Some helpful links courtesy of Hoss:

Updating the Website

(NOTE: You need committer rights to modify the Lucene Website.)

Updating the website requires forrest v0.8 – people have reported problems Using Java 6 with forrest 0.8, so make sure to use Java 1.4 or 1.5.

Steps to make changes...

  1. svn checkout site
  2. cd site
  3. Make your desired website changes to the source files in the subdirectory src/documentation
  4. Optionally, run forrest run and browse to http://localhost:8888 to review the changes and iterate. You should be able to modify the source documents and hit reload on your browser to see the changes.
  5. When you are satisfied with your changes, stop the forrest server and then regenerate the site by running forrest site
  6. Recursively copy build/site/* to publish/* by running cp -r build/site/* publish
  7. Verify your changes: svn status
  8. svn commit all changes (to the forrest sources and publish/*)
  9. SSH to
  10. cd /www/
  11. svn up
  12. Wait for it to propagate
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