2 November 2010

  • maven-eclipse-plugin (jason)
  • maven-idea-plugin (kristian, jason, stephen, arnaud, stéphane, stephen, brett)
  • maven-one-plugin (benjamin, brett, jason, dennis)
  • maven-stage-plugin (brian, jason)

Plugins with an X are in the lifecycle or heavily used. The others can likely be culled, unless someone wants to support it.

X maven-assembly-plugin (heavily used)
X maven-clean-plugin
X maven-compiler-plugin
X maven-dependency-plugin (heavily used)
X maven-deploy-plugin
X maven-ear-plugin
X maven-ejb-plugin
X maven-gpg-plugin
X maven-help-plugin (heavily used, even though plugin help is now baked in) (Dennis: 'mvn help:effective-pom' is really useful for understanding your POM; Brett: frequently used for troubleshooting, e.g. other goals like effective-settings and system)
X maven-install-plugin
X maven-invoker-plugin (heavily used for testing)
X maven-jar-plugin
X maven-rar-plugin
X maven-reactor-plugin
X maven-remote-resources-plugin
X maven-repository-plugin (used for making upload bundles)
X maven-resources-plugin
X maven-shade-plugin (heavily used)
X maven-source-plugin
X maven-toolchains-plugin (used)
X maven-verifier-plugin (used)
X maven-war-plugin

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. A few question from a non committer but knowledgable (at least I believe so) user.

    What is the rationale behind retiring plugins such as the maven-antrun-plugin? Shouldn't the rationale for retiring each plugin be on that page?

    maven-help-plugin (is this really used now that the help is baked in?)

    How is that baked in? I assume you mean in maven 3. Is that documented anywhere?