Release Date
August XX, 2023 (Final)
August XX, 2023 (Planned)
Important Notes
Due to various issues with shallow cloning newt 1.11 no longer default to it. One needs to explicitly select shallowness level with --shallow=
New Features
Support for external modules
Some external projects are now used as external modules (under repos) as oppose to keeping local copy in tree. This greatly reduces codebase size
(over 4 millions lines of code were removed, sic!) and allows for easier upgrade and management of external code.
MSC FAT view support
New msc_fat_view package allows to perform firmware upgrade over USB when Mynewt device is visible as FAT disk.Drivers
- bmp390
- pic32mz ETH peripheral
mbedTLS updated to 2.28.4
nrfx updated to 2.11.0
STMs HAL update
Multiple STM HALs were updated (as external modules).
LVGL integration and support for touch screens
It is now possible to use LVGL along with various TFT touchscreen for GUI applications.
Selectable download scripts
On multiple BSPs it is now possible to selected download script used eg. on Nordic chips one can use jlink or nrfjprog scripts.
LittleFS updated to version 2.5.0
Newlib-nano support
it is now possible to use newlib-nano instead of (default) baselibc standard library.
Newt Tool enhancements
- no longer defaulting to 'shallow' repositories clone
- 'target list' command for listing targets
- fixed CPUs count detection on Raspberry PI
- support for external repositories without project.yml file (in top project.yaml or by packages)
- fixed packages dependencies not being copied on 'target copy
- support for overriding BSP settings from target
- support for explicit specifying of packages' source files
- fixed issue with hitting max command line length on Windows
- fixed issue with packages with same sysinit level not being ordered in deterministic manner
Newtmgr Tool enhacements
- UART MTU configuration from command line
- Fixed not using specified timeout value for commands
- workaround for Bluetooth ATT MTU exchange issues on newer MacOS
Improvements to existing features
- APROTECT support
- Option for automatically enable debugger on recent chip revisions
- Instruction cache are now enabled by default
nRF5340 support improvements
- IPC improvements
- audio clock support
- Instruction and data cache are now enabled by default
- secure functions package
- 32MHz crystal trimming when using internal capacitors
Dialog DA1469x support improvements
- option to not disable watchdog on init
USB support improvements
- Allow USB console with other CDC interfaces
- CDC/HCI standard descriptor
- Support for thread-safe heap
- memset fixes for RISCV
Various other bugfixes and improvements
Additional Board Support Packages
- nordic_pca10121
- nucleo-u575zi-q
- nordic_thingy53
Known Issues and Limitations
- native target is not working on latest MacOS, this is due to OS no longer supporting 32-bit native applications