NOTE: the scripts listed here do not do recrawl correctly. It will add additional depth (specified by user) to a crawl. To avoid this, we need to use '-noAdditions' options to 'updatedb' command. But an annoying problem is that if you have used the 'crawl' command, newly discovered url have been added to the crawldb and will be fetched with the next 'fecth' command.
So the problem is, you will seen more pages being crawled using this recrawl script, not just the pages you have fecthed.
Here are a couple of scripts for recrawling your Intranet.
Version 0.7.2
Place in the main nutch directory and run.
Example Usage
./recrawl crawl 10 31
(with adddays being '31', all pages will be recrawled)
#!/bin/bash # A simple script to run a Nutch re-crawl if [ -n "$1" ] then crawl_dir=$1 else echo "Usage: recrawl crawl_dir [depth] [adddays]" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$2" ] then depth=$2 else depth=5 fi if [ -n "$3" ] then adddays=$3 else adddays=0 fi webdb_dir=$crawl_dir/db segments_dir=$crawl_dir/segments index_dir=$crawl_dir/index # The generate/fetch/update cycle for ((i=1; i <= depth ; i++)) do bin/nutch generate $webdb_dir $segments_dir -adddays $adddays segment=`ls -d $segments_dir/* | tail -1` bin/nutch fetch $segment bin/nutch updatedb $webdb_dir $segment done # Update segments mkdir tmp bin/nutch updatesegs $webdb_dir $segments_dir tmp rm -R tmp # Index segments for segment in `ls -d $segments_dir/* | tail -$depth` do bin/nutch index $segment done # De-duplicate indexes # "bogus" argument is ignored but needed due to # a bug in the number of args expected bin/nutch dedup $segments_dir bogus # Merge indexes ls -d $segments_dir/* | xargs bin/nutch merge $index_dir
Version 0.8.0 and 0.9.0
Place in the bin
sub-directory within your Nutch install and run.
Example Usage
./usr/local/nutch/bin/recrawl /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT /usr/local/nutch/crawl 10 31
Setting adddays at 31
causes all pages will to be recrawled.
Changes for 0.9.0
No changes necessary for this to run with Nutch 0.9.0.
However, if you get an error message indicating that the folder "index/merge-output" already exists, move the index/merge-output folder back into the index/ folder. For example:
mv $index_dir/merge-output /tmp rm -rf $index_dir mv /tmp/merge-output $index_dir
#!/bin/bash # Nutch recrawl script. # Based on 0.7.2 script at # # The script merges the new segments all into one segment to prevent redundant # data. However, if your crawl/segments directory is becoming very large, I # would suggest you delete it completely and generate a new crawl. This probaly # needs to be done every 6 months. # # Modified by Matthew Holt # mholt at elon dot edu if [ -n "$1" ] then tomcat_dir=$1 else echo "Usage: recrawl servlet_path crawl_dir depth adddays [topN]" echo "servlet_path - Path of the nutch servlet (full path, ie: /usr/local/tomc at/webapps/ROOT)" echo "crawl_dir - Path of the directory the crawl is located in. (full path, i e: /home/user/nutch/crawl)" echo "depth - The link depth from the root page that should be crawled." echo "adddays - Advance the clock # of days for fetchlist generation. [0 for n one]" echo "[topN] - Optional: Selects the top # ranking URLS to be crawled." exit 1 fi if [ -n "$2" ] then crawl_dir=$2 else echo "Usage: recrawl servlet_path crawl_dir depth adddays [topN]" echo "servlet_path - Path of the nutch servlet (full path, ie: /usr/local/tomc at/webapps/ROOT)" echo "crawl_dir - Path of the directory the crawl is located in. (full path, i e: /home/user/nutch/crawl)" echo "depth - The link depth from the root page that should be crawled." echo "adddays - Advance the clock # of days for fetchlist generation. [0 for n one]" echo "[topN] - Optional: Selects the top # ranking URLS to be crawled." exit 1 fi if [ -n "$3" ] then depth=$3 else echo "Usage: recrawl servlet_path crawl_dir depth adddays [topN]" echo "servlet_path - Path of the nutch servlet (full path, ie: /usr/local/tomc at/webapps/ROOT)" echo "crawl_dir - Path of the directory the crawl is located in. (full path, i e: /home/user/nutch/crawl)" echo "depth - The link depth from the root page that should be crawled." echo "adddays - Advance the clock # of days for fetchlist generation. [0 for n one]" echo "[topN] - Optional: Selects the top # ranking URLS to be crawled." exit 1 fi if [ -n "$4" ] then adddays=$4 else echo "Usage: recrawl servlet_path crawl_dir depth adddays [topN]" echo "servlet_path - Path of the nutch servlet (full path, ie: /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT)" echo "crawl_dir - Path of the directory the crawl is located in. (full path, ie: /home/user/nutch/crawl)" echo "depth - The link depth from the root page that should be crawled." echo "adddays - Advance the clock # of days for fetchlist generation. [0 for n one]" echo "[topN] - Optional: Selects the top # ranking URLS to be crawled." exit 1 fi if [ -n "$5" ] then topn="-topN $5" else topn="" fi #Sets the path to bin nutch_dir=`dirname $0` # Only change if your crawl subdirectories are named something different webdb_dir=$crawl_dir/crawldb segments_dir=$crawl_dir/segments linkdb_dir=$crawl_dir/linkdb index_dir=$crawl_dir/index # The generate/fetch/update cycle for ((i=1; i <= depth ; i++)) do $nutch_dir/nutch generate $webdb_dir $segments_dir $topn -adddays $adddays segment=`ls -d $segments_dir/* | tail -1` $nutch_dir/nutch fetch $segment $nutch_dir/nutch updatedb $webdb_dir $segment done # Merge segments and cleanup unused segments mergesegs_dir=$crawl_dir/mergesegs_dir $nutch_dir/nutch mergesegs $mergesegs_dir -dir $segments_dir for segment in `ls -d $segments_dir/* | tail -$depth` do echo "Removing Temporary Segment: $segment" rm -rf $segment done cp -R $mergesegs_dir/* $segments_dir rm -rf $mergesegs_dir # Update segments $nutch_dir/nutch invertlinks $linkdb_dir -dir $segments_dir # Index segments new_indexes=$crawl_dir/newindexes segment=`ls -d $segments_dir/* | tail -1` $nutch_dir/nutch index $new_indexes $webdb_dir $linkdb_dir $segment # De-duplicate indexes $nutch_dir/nutch dedup $new_indexes # Merge indexes $nutch_dir/nutch merge $index_dir $new_indexes # Tell Tomcat to reload index touch $tomcat_dir/WEB-INF/web.xml # Clean up rm -rf $new_indexes echo "FINISHED: Recrawl completed. To conserve disk space, I would suggest" echo " that the crawl directory be deleted once every 6 months (or more" echo " frequent depending on disk constraints) and a new crawl generated."
Version 1.0
A crawl script that runs properly with bash and has been tested with Nutch 1.0 can be found here: Crawl. This script can do crawl as well as recrawl. However, not much real world recrawl has been done with this script. It might require a little bit of tweaking if you find that the script does not suit your needs.